Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences POTATO RESEARCH INSTITUTE Dr BORIS V. ANISIMOV Deputy Director for Research Lorcha st. 23, Kraskovo, Moskow Region, Russia Tel , Fax
Region Planted area (1000 ha) Production (1000 tons) Russia, total Central region North western region Southern region Privolgskij region Ural region Siberian region Far-Eastern region The potato production in significant Russian regions in
Figure 1. The share of different categories in potato production (%). 3
Potato yield in Russia in Region All producers (t/ha) (t/ha) Agricultural enterprises (t/ha) Russia, total (in average) Central region North western region Southern region Privolgskij region Ural region Siberian region Far-Eastern region
Product Total processed potato products including: fried potato quick-frozen potato dried potato mashed potato Processed potato volume in Russia (1000 tons). 5
The potato production in significant Russian regions in Округа All producers, (1000 tons) Agricultural enterprises, (1000 tons) 2009 г2010 г /- to 2009г 2009 г2010 г /- to 2009г Russia, total (in average) Central region North western region Southern region North North -Kavkaz Privolgskij region Ural region Siberian region Far-Eastern region
Potato yield in Russia in Округа All producers (t/ha) Agricultural enterprises (t/ha) 2009 г2010 г 2010г +/- to 2009г 2009 г2010 г. 2010г +/- to 2009г Russia, total (in average) 14,2710,02- 4,2719,4813,58- 5,90 Central region 13,488,34- 5,1422,7214,12- 8,60 North western region 12,0312,46+ 0,4316,9317,15+ 0,22 Southern region 10,199,48- 0,7114,9814,40- 0,58 North North -Kavkaz 13,5612,74- 0,8217,7412,42- 5,32 Privolgskij region 15,606,57- 9,0318,8610,33- 8,53 Ural region 17,7912,16- 5,6321,3214,33- 6,94 Siberian region 14,5714,84+ 0,2715,4116,10+ 0,69 Far-Eastern region 13,6413,62- 0,0213,7813,31- 0,47 7
International cooperation development ● breeding of new potato varieties which are adopted to the local condition, resistant to diseases, best use of environmental and technological resources; ● production of virus free material and original seed potato; ● improvement of quality control methods and certification system; ● improvement of potato technology and crop agronomy (tillage seed bed preparation, fertilization, planting, crop maintaining, harvesting); ● improvement the storage technology; ● development and promotion of potato processing; ● improvement of potato management; ● training for potato growers. 8
Number of samples in 2011: 150 samples Remove the samples from the bags and transfer the tubers to storage trays on the day of the receipt. Take at random 200 tubers from each sample to be tested for the presence of Potato ring rot and Potato brown rot. The remaining tubers are intended for field trial. Damaged tubers and those affected by wet rot or dry rot should be removed. Samples should be stored at 2° to 4° C and relative humidity of 85% to 90%. Tubers to be pre-heated 3 weeks before planting to 7° C for 9 days followed by 12 days at 15° C. During the storage period the tubers should be inspected at least twice and damaged tubers and those affected by wet rot or dry rot removed. Prior to planting damaged tubers and those affected by wet rot or dry rot should by removed. 11 The technical aspects of comparative potato field trials
Number of samples: 150 Replication: One plot for each sample. Number of rows per plot: 4 Distance between the rows: 0.75 m. Distance between plants in rows: 30cm Length of row: 15 m. Number of tubers per plot: 200. Method of planting: By hand Trial design: samples of the same variety to be grouped together with Basic seed samples preceding Certified seed samples. Groups to be arranged in alphabetical order and in order of maturity Field trial in 2011
Seed Potato Classification in Russia * All initial material and Original Seed are testing by ELISA - test Bank of Healthy Potato varieties BHVP Inv the field Initial Material * In vitro cultures Micropropagationmicro-minitubers SE – Super Elite E - Elite 1 reproduction 2 reproduction Original Seed * Basic Seed Reproductive Seed (Relatively free from diseases) 1-st field generation SSE – Super-Super Elite 13