Alfalfa Production in Georgia (or similar areas in the South) Dennis Hancock, PhD. Extension Forage Specialist UGA – Dept. of Crop and Soil Sciences
Interested in producing alfalfa? Either I’m going to: Talk you into growing alfalfa. OR Talk you out of growing alfalfa.
Alfalfa in GA Very valuable ($140-200++/ton) Very high quality forage (when harvested correctly) High yielding (5-8 tons/acre) Performs best under irrigation
Alfalfa Hay Costs – 2009 (projected) Cost Per Ton Variable Costs: $109.61 Remember that NPK are not all the costs for hay production. Again- a bermudagrass example. Note (using old costs) the breakeven on hay production is around $60 per ton. I’d argue that fertility, land and machinery costs are much higher today and that breakeven likely exceeds $70 per ton.
Remember that NPK are not all the costs for hay production Remember that NPK are not all the costs for hay production. Again- a bermudagrass example. Note (using old costs) the breakeven on hay production is around $60 per ton. I’d argue that fertility, land and machinery costs are much higher today and that breakeven likely exceeds $70 per ton.
So Why Not Alfalfa?
Lack of Marketing Skill So Why Not Alfalfa? Blister Beetle Drying Conditions Diseases It’s Too NEEDY Lack of Marketing Skill Not Enough Labor Pest Control Poor Soil Fertility Too Risky
Species, Soil, and Management Poor Best Perfection Alfalfa Perennial Peanut Soil Conditions Bermudagrass Best Management Skill and Input Required
Soil Conditions for Alfalfa Well-drained, deep soils Deep taproot Soil pH maintained > 6.5 (6.2) Major nutrients should be balanced P-K Minor nutrients needed (B, Mo)
Aluminum Toxicity – Low Soil pH Alfalfa control treated
Nutrients removed per acre of dryland and irrigated alfalfa.
Selecting the Right Alfalfa Variety Dormancy rating of 5 to 8. Rating (1-10) based on growth after September 1. Winter survival in the North. Disease resistance: > MR to phytophthora root rot (PRR), anthracnose (An), bacterial wilt (Bw), and fusarium wilt (Fw), as well as a R rating to aphanomyces root rot (APH). Varieties: Bulldog 505 or 805
Selecting the Right Alfalfa Variety Persistence Particularly if to be grazed Yields Variety Est. Yr Yr. 2 Yr. 3 ----- lbs DM/acre ----- Bulldog 805 4799 14036 9525 Alfagraze 2957 10840 7284 Fla. 77 5159 12939 8149
Planting Alfalfa: LV & Piedmont Well-prepared, firm seedbed Pack-plant-pack method Cultipacking seeder (Brillion) Broadcast (Distant 3rd) Drilled 2) No-till into suppressed sod Timing: mid-Sep to late-Oct
Planting Alfalfa: Coastal Plain Well-prepared, firm seedbed Pack-plant-pack method Broadcast or Drilled Cultipacking seeder (Brillion) 2) (Distant) No-till into suppressed sod Acceptable if interseeding into bermudagrass sod Timing: mid-Oct to early Dec
Inoculate Legume Seed The population of the specific Rhizobium (Rhizobium meliloti) is likely to be very low in the soil. Inoculate seed with fresh inoculant before seeding. 1 bag of inoculant per bag of seed. Use a “sticker” material. Alfalfa seed often comes pre-inoculated. coated with an inert material, usually lime, saves time and helps to ensure inoculation check expiration date
Seed Quality Concerns Seed crop has been of relatively poor quality Poor germination Purity is low Pure Live Seed (PLS) (Germ + Hard) x Purity Maybe < 80% PLS To be successful with new varieties, pay attention to some establishment basics.
Weed Management
Visit the Pest Management Page on Specific Weed Problem? Visit the Pest Management Page on
Insect Management
Alfalfa Weevil
Potato Leafhopper
Potato Leafhopper Potassium Deficiency
Potassium Deficiency
Harvest Management
Balancing Yield, Quality, and Persistence Total Yield TDN Stem Yield Leaf Yield vegetative bud 1st flower full-flower full-seed
Quality Declines with Length between Cuttings Adapted from Alfalfa Management Guide.
Balancing Yield, Quality, and Persistence cut at bloom Root Reserves cut at bud growth initiation 6-8 inch height bud stage full bloom
Resources on CD: Alfalfa