Scripture Studies Quiz Review Chapter 01
Quiz Review The Magisterium keeps the Church free from error Tradition is a Source of Church teaching. A Canon is a Rule or measure The Church is the divinely chosen interpreter of Scripture
Quiz Review A Covenant is a bond of sacred kinship The Bible is objective history because God sees things exactly as they are Catholicity keeps the Church free from errors
Quiz Review Salvation history deals with past & future Apostolicity means traceable to the Apostles The Bible is the inspired and inerrant Word of God
Quiz Review The Church has always venerated the Scriptures as she venerates Christ’s body. For the Catholic Church, the word of the pope is supreme in matters of faith and morals. Christianity is NOT a religion of the book.
Quiz Review Divine assistance is always given to the successors of the Apostles. The books of the Bible tell many stories. Scripture is the way we come to know Jesus as he is.
Quiz Review The Bible contains symbolic visions. The Word of God is living and active. The Bible is different from other books.
Quiz Review Everything in Scripture is NOT easy to understand. The Bible is ancient Sacred literature. In Sacred Scripture, God speaks to man in a human way.
Quiz Review The Bible does NOT have the same purpose as human literature. We are NOT living in the seventh covenant God made with man.
Quiz Review The three sources used to determine canonicity are orthodoxy, catholicity and apostolicity Infallibility means the pope is incapable of error in matters of faith and morals. The purpose of the Magisterium is to keep the Church from error.
Quiz Review The Magisterium is exercised by the pope and bishops in union with him. The Holy Spirit inspired the biblical writers. Inerrant means the Bible is free from error
Quiz Review One point from the Supplementary readings states, “Revelation is given out of love.” How can I respond to God’s love for me through the use of the Bible?