Hebrews 3:7-14. Christ’s House – “if”… (Heb. 3:6) Partakers of Christ - “if” (Heb. 3:14)


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Presentation transcript:

Hebrews 3:7-14

Christ’s House – “if”… (Heb. 3:6) Partakers of Christ - “if” (Heb. 3:14)

Key Passage of Scripture – Psalm. 95:7-11 Holy Sprit Speaking in David’s Day (Heb. 3:7,4:7)

Key Passage of Scripture – Psalm. 95:7-11 Holy Sprit Speaking in David’s Day (Heb. 3:7,4:7) Hardened Hearts – Doubting God (Heb. 3: 8-9, Psm. 95:8, Exodus 17:1-7)

Key Passage of Scripture – Psalm. 95:7-11 Holy Sprit Speaking in David’s Day (Heb. 3:7,4:7) Hardened Hearts – Doubting God (Heb. 3: 8-9, Psm. 95:8, Exodus 17:1-7) Err in Heart –lack of knowledge (Heb. 3:10; Psm. 95:10)

Key Passage of Scripture – Psalm. 95:7-11 Holy Sprit Speaking in David’s Day (Heb. 3:7,4:7) Hardened Hearts – Doubting God (Heb. 3: 8-9, Psm. 95:8, Exodus 17:1-7) Err in Heart –lack of knowledge (Heb. 3:10; Psm. 95:10) Consequences : God’s wrath, Do not enter God’s rest (Heb. 3:11; Psm. 95:11)

Take Heed Brethren… A Christian Can Fall Away From the Living God! (Heb. 3:12, 6:4-6, Gal. 5:4)

Take Heed Brethren… A Christian Can Fall Away From the Living God! (Heb. 3:12, 6:4-6, Gal. 5:4) Falling Away begins in the heart! (Heb. 3:12)

Take Heed Brethren… A Christian Can Fall Away From the Living God! (Heb. 3:12, 6:4-6, Gal. 5:4) Falling Away begins in the heart! (Heb. 3:12) Do not be hardened by deceitfulness of sin! (Heb. 3:12; Hos. 4:6, Psm. 1:1-2, Num. 13:30- 31) – Heart that doubts God – Unbelief – Heart deficient in knowledge – Heart that does not lead to obedience

Take Heed Brethren… A Christian Can Fall Away From the Living God! (Heb. 3:12, 6:4-6, Gal. 5:4) Falling Away begins in the heart! (Heb. 3:12) Do not be hardened by deceitfulness of sin! (Heb. 3:12; Hos. 4:6, Psm. 1:1-2, Num. 13:30- 31) – Heart that doubts God – Unbelief – Heart deficient in knowledge – Heart that does not lead to obedience Exhort one another – TODAY! (Heb. 3:13)

Keep your heart healthy --- Falling Away Has Eternal Consequences Knowledge – unmask where sin begins – exhortation day by day