Charlotte Bronte Born in 1816 Died in 1854
Bronte’s Early Life Bronte was the third daughter born to an ambitious and intelligent clergyman, Patrick Bronte. Bronte grew up with modest means. Bronte’s mother gave birth to six children and died giving birth to the last. Bronte’s mother figure was her older sister and a servant after her mother’s death.
Father’s Influence Informal education Bronte’s father was fond of literature and published some poetry and sermons. Treated his children as intellectual equals. Intellectual freedom rarely bestowed on other children.
This School is NOT cool C.B’s father could not afford formal schooling. Inexpensive school: Cowen Bridge Clergy Daughter’s School. School was hostile to physical comfort and ignorant of hygiene. Sick sisters ignored by the school. Both died shortly after being brought home.
Lowood C.B had bitter impressions of the school and it’s reflected in Jane Eyre. C.B transferred to Roe Head School where she was surrounded by women who loved learning. Bronte returned as a teacher and later became a governess. Achieve or marry! Marry for money disgusted Bronte.
Bronte’s Romance Bronte and her sister wanted to open their own school. Bronte went to school in Brussels to learn French and German. Bronte feel in love with her teacher (a married man, Constantine Heger). She lived and taught under his roof. This experience is present in her fiction: relationships where the spark from intellect leads to physical attraction.
Writing Sisters Emily Bronte’s poems encourage her sister to write more. The three sisters published a collection of poems under male pseudonyms, Ellis, Currer, and Action Bell. Jane Eyre was published in 1847 and sold out quickly. C.B married a reverend and died of tuberculosis nine months later.