Born in Istanbul, trained in religious sciences and worked way up ranks of religious scholars. Worked as a teacher in various institutions Became preceptor.


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Presentation transcript:

Born in Istanbul, trained in religious sciences and worked way up ranks of religious scholars. Worked as a teacher in various institutions Became preceptor to Prince Murad (later Murad III, r ), serving as advisor when Murad acceded. Also advisor and mufti to Mehmed III (r ) Sa‘d al-Din ibn Hasan Jan, a.k.a. Khoja Efendi (≈ “Sir Preceptor,” )

Died during prayers in Haghia Sophia Wrote various poetic and prose works. Best known for Taj al-Tawarikh, a history of the Ottomans up to 1520 Sa‘d al-Din ibn Hasan Jan, a.k.a. Khoja Efendi (≈ “Sir Preceptor,” )

Sufi dervish and mujahid (fighter in the holy war) Ahmad ‘Ashiqpashazada (c )

Originally Christian born in Edirne. Taken prisoner in war. Trained and worked as a poet Appointed as secretary by Ottomans in Eventually passed into service of prince Mahmud, son of Bayezid II (r ) When Mahmud died in 1507, Nejati was heartbroken and retired from public office ‘Isa Nejati Bey (d. Istanbul 1509)

Poetess from Amasya in Asia Minor. Daughter of qadi, descended from Sufi master Was member of literary circle of Ahmad, son of Bayezid II (r ) Repeatedly fell in love with high-ranking officials (one called Iskender), but remained chaste and never married despite many offers Mihri Khatun (d. 1512)

Poetess born in Asia Minor in early 15th c. Possibly friend of Mihri Educated by father to high level and composed poetry, including volume dedicated to sultan Mehmed II (r and ) Gave up poetry after marriage at insistence of husband Zeynab Khatun (rumoured to have died in 1473/4)

Fuzuli is pseudonym = “inappropriate, improper, of great value” Mehmed ibn Suleiman, a.k.a. Fuzuli/Fizuli (c )

Mehmed ibn Suleiman, a.k.a. Fuzuli/Fizuli (c ) Born in Karbala’ into educated family. Received standard religious education Was Sufi and Twelver Shi‘ite Lived in various places in Iraq. Started writing poetry at an early age

Mehmed ibn Suleiman, a.k.a. Fuzuli/Fizuli (c ) Originally patronised by Safavids, but later passed into Ottoman service when Iraq passed into their hands Died and was buried at Karbala’ Wrote in Arabic, Persian and Turkish

Tale of Majnun (Insane) and Layla