Welcome to Creek View Elementary School!
We Love Kindergarten!
What is kindergarten all about? Academic Learning Social Interaction Becoming Independent Opening snacks and juices Dressing and tying shoes Bathroom procedures Opening and closing car doors Kindergarten is a great place to be! Get your child excited about starting school right now!
Important Dates to Remember Over the Summer Kindergarten Tour – May 6th at 9 AM Online Registration – TBA Everyone needs to do this, even if you pre-registered in the Spring. Please go to the Alabaster City Schools or the CVES Website to complete. Snapcodes for online registration will be emailed to the parent/guardian. Summer Registration-TBA If you are fully registered, you will find out your child’s teacher **Please bring 2 proofs of residence** Parent Orientation Night- TBA Meet the Teacher Day- TBA Don’t forget to sign up for the kindergarten pre-assessment . You will need to select a day and time that your child can attend. You can check the school website for these dates and more information about our school. http://cves.alabasterschools.org/
KINDGERGARTEN SUPPLY LIST of clothes) NO rolling book bags. School Supplies CREEK VIEW ELEMENTARY KINDGERGARTEN SUPPLY LIST 2015-2016 4 CRAYOLA CRAYONS (24 PACK) 2 WASHABLE CRAYOLA MARKERS (CLASSIC COLORS BROAD TIP) 3 PACKAGES OF HUGGIES BABY WIPES 2 WATERLESS HAND SANITIZER (PUMP) 1 FISKARS SCISSORS BLUNT TIP 5” 12 GLUE STICKS (NOT FOR HOT GLUE GUN) 3 8OZ BOTTLES OF ELMER GLUE 1 Large Pink Eraser 1 Antibacterial Hand Soap 1 Pack of 20 Ticonderoga Pencils 1 Standard size bath towel for resting (No resting mats) 1 Book bag (Large enough for towel, binder, and change of clothes) NO rolling book bags. 1 Complete change of clothes in case of accidents (including socks and underwear) (seasonal appropriate) GIRLS ONLY 1 BOX QUART ZIPLOC BAGS 2 PAPER TOWEL ROLLS 1- 4 pack of expo markers BOYS ONLY 1 BOX GALLON ZIPLOC BAGS 2 BOXES OF KLEENEX 1 Clorox Wipes (150 Count) **Please label only these items with your child’s name: towel, scissors, and a complete change of clothes. **Additional supplies will be requested midyear. ** All supplies need to be brought in on Meet the Teacher Day! Tennis shoes Rest Towels No Names or Labels No rolling book bags Supply Donation
Daily Binders At the beginning of school, we will ask parents to pay a small additional fee that will be used to purchase a daily binder and additional supplies for your child. This binder is a very important communication tool and needs to be checked DAILY! Binders will contain: Behavior charts Notes from the teacher and office Daily homework
Teacher Communication Parent-Teacher communication is very important at CVES! We communicate using the following: Daily Binders Newsletters Blogs Conferences Emails Telephone **Please allow teachers 24 hours to respond back to an email or telephone message**
Behavior Plans Every teacher will have classroom rules and a behavior plan. Every child is expected to follow these rules, so that all children have the opportunity to learn. Rewards for good behavior Warrior Cards, Treasure Box, Stickers, Praises, Etc… Home Rewards Consequences for misbehavior Time out, modeling correct behavior, conduct marks, telephone parents, office visit Home Consequences
Child Nutrition Meals Daily Snack Your child will receive a lunch account and a five digit lunch number. CVES serves breakfast and lunch (Lunch Account) Breakfast $1.25 Lunch $2.00 Children are allowed to bring healthy lunches from home. Daily Snack Children are allowed to bring a small healthy snack from home.
Transportation Being consistent and communicating with the classroom teacher are very important with transportation! Start planning now for how your child will arrive and dismiss from school each day. No emails, faxes or phone calls are acceptable changes of transportation. School Bus Car Rider Daycare Van CVES Daycare
Medication Students are not allowed to bring medication to the nurse or the teacher. This includes cough drops. ALL medication must be brought in by a parent and the proper forms will need to be signed prior to the school nurse giving medication at school. Please do not send medication in your child’s backpack to the teacher. All over the counter medications, like Motrin or Tylenol, Cortisone cream, cough drops, etc. must be in a new container, age appropriate and unopened when brought to the school nurse. All prescription medications must be in a prescription labeled bottle and it must match the medication form.
Guidelines for Sick Children Fever: Your child should stay home if he/she has a fever of 100 degrees or more and should remain home for 24 hours after the fever has gone – without the assistance of Tylenol, Advil, Motrin, or any other fever reducer. Vomiting or Diarrhea: Your child should stay home if he/she has vomited or has diarrhea within 2 hours prior to the start of school. Your child should not attend school for 12 hours after vomiting or diarrhea and must have eaten and tolerated at least 1 normal meal before returning to school. Strep Throat: If your child has been diagnosed as having strep throat (this requires a special test by your doctor), your child should stay home for 24 hours after antibiotic therapy has been started. Pink Eye: If your child has been diagnosed as having ‘pink eye’, your child should stay home until 1 dose of antibiotic eye drops have been given.
Attendance Absences Parents or guardians have 3 days after the student returns to school to send in an excuse. No emailed or faxed excuses are accepted. Failure to send in a note will result in an unexcused absence. Check-outs and check-ins can be counted as an absence. Notes of explanation for the check-out/in will be required. They are counted present if checked in before 11:15 They are counted present if checked out after 11:30. They are allowed only 2 check-outs/ check-ins a month. Number of Absences Allowed Students are allowed up to 12 absences with a parent note. After 12 absences, a doctor’s note will be required. Number of Unexcused Absences Allowed After 3 unexcused absences, the parent or guardian will receive a letter and attend a meeting with our administration. After 5 unexcused absences, the parent or guardian will have to attend truancy court.
Preparing for Kindergarten We will work TOGETHER to get your child where he or she needs to be! Identifying letters and sounds Writing child’s name and letters Identifying numbers and counting Identifying shapes and colors Establishing a daily reading routine is very important in kindergarten!
If for any reason there are any policy changes, you will be notified of them at the Parent Night Meeting in August.
Thank you for investing in your child’s education! See you in August!