Vaccines and Giving Injections Animal Science
Objectives Identify why we vaccinate animals Explain safety procedures to follow when vaccinating animals Describe the four routes to administer vaccinations in animals Demonstrate the intramuscular route of injection
Why do we vaccinate? Preventing disease is far less expensive than using a veterinarian to treat animals with emergency problems. If the animal is not vaccinated, it could die
Safety Develop a vaccination schedule with the help of a veterinarian. Review and update the vaccination program semi-annually. Refrigerate vaccines prior to use and use entire contents after opening.
Safety Buy all vaccines from a reputable source. Follow all label directions exactly. Give only the recommended dose by the recommended method. Use sterile syringes that have not been used for other purposes.
Safety It is important that producers establish a consistent herd health program to reduce the amount of infectious disease problems present in their herds. Infectious diseases can enter a herd through purchased additions or are carried onto a farm by other animals and humans.
Routes to administer vaccines Intramuscular (IM) Subcutaneous (SQ) Oral Vaccines (PO) Intranasal (IN)
Intramuscular (IM) One of most common routes Vaccines given IM are picked up by the blood supply and spread to all tissues of the body very rapidly. A needle 1 to 1 ½ inches in length and 16 or 18 gauge in diameter is recommended for making IM injections.
Intramuscular (IM) The best location to give injections is in the heavy muscles of the neck.
Intramuscular To reduce carcass damage, avoid the rear quarters whenever possible. It is best to give no more than 20 mL at any one site. To avoid accidental intravenous (IV) administration, pull on the plunger to make sure no blood appears in the syringe. If blood appears, pull the needle completely out and re-insert the needle in a new site.
Subcutaneous (SQ) A 1-inch needle of 16 or 18 gauge diameter should be used. Substances injected SQ are not picked up by the blood supply as quickly as with IM injections, but greatly reduce carcass blemishes.
Subcutaneous (SQ) The loose skin on the side of the neck or behind the elbow is a good location for SQ injections.
Oral Vaccines (PO) Oral vaccines are used to vaccinate newborn calves. First, elevate the animal’s head slightly, placing the syringe containing the vaccine at the side and back of the calf’s mouth. Next, discharge the contents of the syringe. Finally, hold the animal until all of the vaccine has been swallowed.
Intranasal (IN) Intranasal vaccines are packaged with special applicators that fit on the end of a syringe. Restrain the cow or calf and squirt the contents quickly into the nasal passages. The animal may sneeze or cough, but this does not reduce the effectiveness of the vaccination. Never inject any intranasal product in the muscle or skin.
Warning! Giving vaccines or injections by the improper route can result in failure to immunize and may result in local reactions. If you have any questions you should call your local veterinarian.