B12433 Midori Maezawa 1
GGI (= Gender Gap Index ) ジェンダー・ギャップ指数 世界経済フォーラムが、各国内の男女間の格差を 数値化しランク付けしたもの。経済分野、教育分野、 政治分野及び保険分野のデータから算出される。0 が完全平等、1が不完全平等を意味する。 3
Japan take 105 / 136 rank Table1 GGI ranking (2013) 4
11 Introduction 22 Defining terms 33 Empowered 44 Powerless 55 Analysis 66 Conclusion 5
Japanese Women =especially, young women who are working Empower =to give sb more control over their own life or the situation they are in (Oxford Advanced Leader’s Dictionary) 6
Paraphrase title *Women can control and choice their life. *Equality between men and women in Japanese modern society is improved. OR *Women can’t control and choice their life. *Equality is not improved. Empowered Powerless 7
11 Introduction 22 Defining terms 33 Empowered 44 Powerless 55 Analysis 66 Conclusion 8
33-1 Employment (a) Female professionals & technical workers (b) Female management jobs 33-2 Financial 9
Table2 Female professionals & technical workers(2009) (内閣府男女共同参画局 ) Equality between men and women in Japanese modern society is improved. Equality between men and women in Japanese modern society is improved. 10
Figure1 Female management jobs(2009) ( 内閣府男女共同参画局 ) 11
33-1 Employment (a) Female professionals & technical workers (b) Female management jobs 33-2 Financial 12
Women can control their life. (内閣府男女共同参画局) Figure2 Diction making in house (2010) 13
33-1 Employment (a) Female professionals & technical workers (b) Female management jobs 33-2 Financial 14
11 Introduction 22 Defining terms 33 Empowered 44 Powerless 55 Analysis 66 Conclusion 15
44-1 Financial 44-2 Political 16
Table3 Income (2009) 17
44-1 Financial 44-2 Political 18
JapanUSAKoreaChinaIceland GGI Economic Education Health Political (世界経済フォーラム The Global Gender Gap Report 2013 ) Table4 GGI (2013) 19
(内閣府男女共同参画局) Equality between men and women In Japanese modern society is still low. Equality between men and women In Japanese modern society is still low. Figure3 Diet women in the Lower House(2009) 20
4-1 Financial 4-2 Political 21
11 Introduction 22 Defining terms 33 Empowered 44 Powerless 55 Analysis 66 Conclusion 22
3 Empowered4 Powerless 3-1 Employment 3-2 Financial 4-1 Financial 4-2 Political 23
Equality between men and Women is improving. Figure4 Female doctor (2012) 24 (内閣府共同参画2012年2月号)
Table2 Female professionals & technical workers(2009) (内閣府男女共同参画局 ) Equality between men and women in Japanese modern society is improved. Equality between men and women in Japanese modern society is improved. 25
(内閣府男女共同参画局) Table5 Female management jobs(2009) 26
Figure1 Female management jobs(2009) 27
(内閣府男女共同参画局) Figure 5 A portion of the work in family (2010) 28
Women can control their life. (内閣府男女共同参画局) Figure2 Diction making in house (2010) 29
3 Empowered4 Powerless 3-1 Employment (1) △ (2) × 3-2 Financial × 4-1 Financial 4-2 Political 30
Figure6 A pay differential between man and women(2009) 31
Table3 Income (2009) 32
横浜市、待機児童ゼロ目前 課題はコストと保育の 質 横浜市の林文子市長(66)が公約に掲げている 「保育所の待機児童ゼロ」が目前に迫っている。平 成22年4月には全国の自治体で最多の1552人 だった待機児童数は、積極的な施策の推進で24年 4月に179人まで減少。ゼロ達成後も新規転入な どで再び待機児童が生まれることは確実だが、短期 間での成果に他の自治体の関心も高い。一方、経費 の増大も課題で、今後は経済性に配慮しながら保育 の質を高めていく必要がある。( MSN 産経ニュース 小野晋史) 33 In a local government level, women can choice their life. In a local government level, women can choice their life.
The Abe’s cabinet (平成 24 年 12 月 26 日発足 ) 34 (共同通信) In a state level, Women can’t choice their life. In a state level, Women can’t choice their life.
JapanUSAKoreaChinaIceland GGI Economic Education Health Political (世界経済フォーラム The Global Gender Gap Report 2013 ) 35
3 Empowered4 Powerless 3-1 Employment (1) (2) 3-2 Financial 4-1 Financial 4-2 Political 36
11 Introduction 22 Defining terms 33 Empowered 44 Powerless 55 Analysis 66 Conclusion 37
3 Empowered4 Powerless 3-1 (1) ○ (2) × 3-2 × 4-1 ○ 4-2 ○ 38
Japanese women are 39
1 Introduction 2 Defining terms 3 Empowered 4 Powerless 5 Analysis 6 Conclusion 40
Thank you for listening to my presentation 41