Grade/School Level WVEIS Based Reports School Level Growth Model Summary.


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Presentation transcript:

Grade/School Level WVEIS Based Reports School Level Growth Model Summary

How do we summarize these? In order to create school level summaries from the growth model, we use medians from Student Growth Percentiles (SGPs) Categories of growth Low Typical High

From Student to School Growth For whom can we calculate growth? Only students in grades 4 – 11, in tested subjects Students must have at least 2 consecutive scores We examine RLA and Math All assessed students will have a growth report, but at least two consecutive data points are required for a growth score How do we aggregate growth to the school? Examine students by grade and by content for the state Identify all of the students in the school Take the median (middle) growth percentile of all students in a school for each content.

How we Aggregate Before we go to a school, let’s think about aggregating a single grade.

Let’s look at all 5 th grade students in a school StudentMathematics Johnny25 th Suzy35 th Kenny75 th Lori85 th Juan15 th Lisa40 th Amelia27 th Robert40 th Lee45 th Jan62 nd Frank51 st Mary15 th StudentMathematics Mary15 th Juan15 th Johnny25 th Amelia27 th Suzy35 th Lisa40 th Robert40 th Lee45 th Frank51 st Jan62 nd Kenny75 th Lori85 th 5 th Grade MEDIAN Growth 40 th The MEDIAN Growth Percentile for an entire grade is the MEDIAN of the Student Growth Percentiles for all students in that grade.

5 th grade Growth and Achievement StudentMathematicsProficiency Johnny25 th Novice Suzy35 th Novice Kenny75 th Novice Lori85 th Novice Juan15 th Novice Lisa40 th Novice Amelia27 th Distinguished Robert40 th Distinguished Lee45 th Distinguished Jan62 nd Distinguished Frank51 st Distinguished Mary15 th Distinguished 5 th Grade MEDIAN Growth 40 th Low Achievement /High Growth High Achievement /Low Growth Same SGPs, very different interpretation

StudentSGPGrade Mary15 th 4 th Juan15 th 5 th Johnny25 th 6 th Amelia27 th 4 th Suzy35 th 4 th Lisa40 th 5 th Robert40 th 4 th Lee45 th 6 th Frank51 st 6 th Jan62 nd 5 th Kenny75 th 5 th Lori85 th 6 th GradeMedian Percentile 4 th 31 st 5 th 51 st 6 th 48 th School Growth for MATH 40 th This number is based on the median of all the students in that school. Moving on to School

Examining WVEIS School Level Reports: What to Explore Number and Percent of Students at Each Level of Growth, Median SGP and the Corresponding Proficiency Rate All Subgroup and Grade Level Growth Summary All Subgroup Bar Graphs School, District, State Subgroup Disaggregate School, District, State

Click Here for Graphs Click Here for Disaggregation