Living as Christians in the world - Work
Work The rest of the series Who God is Who we are The place of work What does God want us to do?
Who God is Maker of heaven and earth What does that mean?
Who we are Created beings Not “in control” but with responsibilities Seeking to be obedient Not responsible for outcomes Not expected to have every answer
A word about work We are encouraged to do it We are encouraged to do it as we do everything “wholeheartedly” We are encouraged to stand out – salt and light It provides a great opportunity – people cannot get away! It is not popular (spirit of the age in the UK) It poses a problem for the Church – how can the Church join in?
What does God want us to do? Not to convert or “save” people. Only God can do that But called to be witnesses But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
What makes a good witness? Testify accurately to what they have seen and experienced Bo completely honest and truthful Do not offer opinions unless asked Do not have an agenda Do not pretend to know more than we do Be willing to be unpopular in what we say
How should we present our faith - an example?