A Powerful Python Library for Data Analysis BY BADRI PRUDHVI BADRI PRUDHVI.
Contents Contents: Introduction Key Features Core Operations Sample Dataset Analysis in Pandas
Introduction Why Learn Pandas? If you like Python…It’s a better Python. It’s a smoother path than raw numpy Very easy to do Data Analysis Why do you need pandas? When working with tabular or structured data (like R data frame, SQL table, Excel spreadsheet,...): Import data Clean up messy data Explore data, gain insight into data Process and prepare your data for analysis Analyze your data (together with statsmodels,...)
Introduction Software library written for the Python programming language. Mainly used for data manipulation and analysis. Core Data Structures: Series Data Frames. Offers data structures and operations for manipulating : Numerical tables Time series.
Key features Data Frame object for data manipulation with integrated indexing Fast, easy and flexible input/output for a lot of different data formats Merging and joining (concat, join) Powerful time series manipulation (resampling, timezones,..) Easy plotting Data alignment integrated handling of missing data Reshaping and pivoting of data sets Label-based slicing, fancy indexing, and sub setting of large data sets
Key features (Contd..) Data structure column insertion and deletion Grouping : groupby functionality Hierarchical axis indexing to work with high-dimensional data in a lower-dimensional data structure Time series-functionality : Date range generation, Frequency conversion, Moving window statistics, Moving window linear regressions, Date shifting and lagging
Core Operations Create Select Insert Map Join Sort Clean Bin View Update Filter Append Group Summarize Conform Rotate
Let’s see some Cool stuff !!! Analyzing Sample Data using Pandas in Python
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