CODE 2 Cogeneration Observatory and Dissemination Europe Kick-off meeting 10-11 July 2012 WP1 Management 10-11/07/2012COGEN Europe.


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Presentation transcript:

CODE 2 Cogeneration Observatory and Dissemination Europe Kick-off meeting July 2012 WP1 Management 10-11/07/2012COGEN Europe

Management Main tasks: Task 1. Project operational management Task 2. External project interface management Deliverables: D1.1 Minutes from 5 project meeting D1.2 Minutes from (at least) 2 meetings of the Advisory Committee 10-11/07/20122

Management Task 1. – Project operational management -Project coordination and working method -Communication between partners -Technical and financial reporting -Deliverables 10-11/07/20123

Task 1 – Project operational management Project coordination and working method COGEN Europe is the project coordinator and is responsible for: All contacts with the European Commission Managing the overall project timescale and deliverables Timely project and budget reporting to the Commission Management of project issues as they arise Regular contacts with all partners (project meetings, conference calls, one-to-one meetings, etc) Organisation of project meetings 10-11/07/20124

Task 1 – Project operational management Project coordination and working method COGEN Europe, JSI and BEA are WP leaders and are responsible for: The smooth and successful managing of their WP Regular reporting on the planning and progress of their WP and deliverables Regular contact with the partners involved in the different WP tasks Timely delivery of all WP deliverables Quality control of the WP deliverables In case of problems they timely liaise with the project coordinator and search for solutions 10-11/07/20125

Task 1 – Project operational management Project coordination and working method All partners are responsible for a successful project and deliverables Stick to the agreed timescale in order to avoid delays Respond as soon as possible to requests from project coordinator, WP leader or other partners In case of any arising problem(s), contact the project coordinator or WP leader Ensure timely delivery of high quality deliverables Contribute a pleasant working atmosphere 10-11/07/20126

Task 1 – Project operational management Communication between partners There will be five project meetings during the project: M1, M8, M16, M25 and M30. These are the main discussion and debate arenas for information exchange, quality review and project evaluation between project partners Monthly or bi-weekly conference calls or webinars (depending on the urgency) to check progress, quality review and identify at an early stage possible areas for attention 10-11/07/20127

Task 1 – Project operational management Reporting Three main reporting deadlines to the European Commission are: M10 – Progress Report (only technical reporting) M19 – Interim Report (technical + financial) M30 – Final Report (technical + financial) COGEN will send the reports to the Commission. Note: The technical report will be prepared by COGEN with input from each partner (e.g. update of work so far, encountered problems, etc) The financial report includes financial statements by each partner individually – if needed with support from COGEN The issue of reporting will be discussed in details at the third project meeting 10-11/07/20128

Management Task 2. – External project interface management -Management of the Advisory Committee liaison -Communication with external stakeholders, e.g. at the end of the project a Publishable Result-Oriented Report will be produced 10-11/07/20129

Task 2 – External project interface management Advisory Committee Task: to support the partners throughout the project and act as a sounding board Will be composed of individuals linked to the existing processes for developing and promoting CHP and the entities identified to lead the heating and cooling planning process proposed in the Energy Efficiency Directive. Efforts will be made to secure participation of: Representatives of national Ministries in the target countries Two representatives from the Covenant of Mayors cities, TSOs/DSOs and civil society Pan-European users: Akzo Nobel, Iberdrola and RWE npower Pan-European manufacturers: GE and Turbomach National COGEN Associations: Spain and United Kingdom At least two Advisory Committee meetings are envisaged throughout the project lifetime /07/201210