Setting It was about two friends from different sides of town. While one mouse is from the country where everything is just little scraps and the other is from town and has very exquisite taste and has a very upscale living environment.
Character City mouse loves to live the high life. Country Mouse prefers a quieter life in the countryside.
Plot The country mouse welcomes the city mouse to his home. He shows the city mouse his home and gives him food. The city mouse is not impressed. The city mouse wants to show the country mouse that his home and food are better. So they go to the town. The city mouse lives in the big house. The country mouse thinks it is wonderful. The city mouse takes him into the where there are cakes, cookies, and cheese. The country mouse thinks the food is delicious. There’s a fat cat outside, but the city mouse is not afraid. They come to the big parade. The country mouse was scream and shouts. What that noise? It’s too loud and it hurts my ears. The country mouse decides that he would rather eat poor food where it is safe than eat delicious food where it is dangerous.
Point of View Is it better to be rich or poor? Everyone has problems whether they have a lot or little. The country mouse lives in simple life. The food is not great but he is safe and happy. The city mouse has an wonderful life. There’s a lot of delicious food, but he lives in danger of being caught by the cat. The city mouse likes a big mouse and delicious food. He thinks a country mouse cannot possible be happy by living such a simple life. But wanting more can lead to real problems. This fable tell us that it is ok to explore outside of your environment but in the end it is ok to just find comfort in where you are from.
Theme When we face the same thing,we always said what is good or what is bad.That is because everyone ‘s opinion is different. We should respect each other.Everyone have the right to express their own opinions and to choose what they like.
Symbol Country mouse = simple and innocence City mouse= hypercritical and lazy Frog = to city mouse,it means something uncommon Pig sty= to city mouse,it means bad luck
Irony When city mouse ate the country food,he thinks that is not bad.But he said he more like city food.