Signing up for a Rush Library Account Google “rush library” Click on “More” under Quick Links to Library Services
Click on “online” under Register with the library
Complete the form-note that you will leave the Student ID number, the employee ID number and the Physician ID number blank
It is very important to start your department name with STROGER HOSPITAL! When you have completed all of the boxes with “*” then click “REGISTER/UPDATE”
You’re half way there! Now you must register for a proxy account. Click the “back arrow” twice
Click on “Student Form” (I know you are not a student…just trust me!
Fill out all the boxes with “*” For STATUS, indicate “Other” & type STROGER HOSPITAL RESIDENT (or fellow) For COLLEGE click “does not apply” When complete, click “SUBMIT”
Congratulations, you’re done! You will be ed your login and password within the next week.