Implementing the Renewed Framework for Literacy Day 1
Aims For subject leaders: To become familiar with the components of the Renewed Framework for Literacy and reflect on the implications for their schools To understand the key principles behind the framework To understand how both centre and school based training is structured, and to be clear about their roles and responsibilities
Resources checklist Primary Framework for literacy and mathematics: Paper copy BOK-EN DVD-ROM DVD-EN Primary Framework for literacy and mathematics - Supporting guidance for headteachers and chairs of governors: Paper copy BKT-EN CD CDO-EN Subject leader handbook DVD-ROM DVD-EN
Why renew the Primary Framework? “Excellent teaching gives children the life chances they deserve. Enjoyment is the birthright of every child. The most powerful mix is the one that brings the two together. Children learn better when they are excited and engaged – but what excites and engages them the most is truly excellent teaching.” (Taken from the introduction to ‘Excellence and Enjoyment’)
Children deserve: To be set appropriate learning challenges To be taught well and be given the opportunities to learn in different ways that maximise their chances of success To have adults working with them to tackle the specific barriers to progress they face The Primary Framework is designed to help practitioners, teachers, schools and settings achieve this ambition. The renewal of the Primary Framework for literacy and mathematics is to support and increase all children’s access to excellent teaching, leading to exciting and successful learning.
Rationale for renewal of Literacy Framework To reflect developments in learning and teaching since the original literacy strategy To accelerate progression and make it more explicit To include explicit reference to Speaking and Listening and ICT To embed Assessment for Learning and build independence To emphasise building and applying skills across the curriculum
Introduction to Renewed Literacy Framework Spring ’07 Summer ’07 Autumn ‘07 Pace and Progression - School based: Funded time to complete school based tasks and deliver training, including trialling of units Centre based training Day 1: Introduction to Framework Pace and progression Centre based training Day 2: Fit-for-purpose pedagogy Centre-based training Day 3: Review – share outcomes of trialling of units; identify next steps Pedagogy – School based: Funded time to complete school based tasks and deliver training, including trialling of units Review and continued monitoring and evaluation of impact on pupil progress Continuing professional development
Six Key Principles Improving teaching of early reading Encouraging flexibility Structuring learning Raising expectations Making more effective use of assessment Broadening and strengthening pedagogy
Activity Discussion, feedback and reflection
Consider… Priorities – in terms of the 6 key principles School strengths Which could pose the greatest challenge? Implications for you as subject leader