This is the Home Page where you can either join kcwc or log on to the website if you are already a member.
If someone is seeking to join kcwc, this is the page that will open. A new member just fills in the blanks and then will be guided to pay online. Once the payment has gone through, she is a new member and can start enjoying our activities immediately!
If you are already a member, when you go to sign in to the website, this page will open. Enter your username (which will have been sent to you in an ; you will next be guided to choose a password. You can change your username to be something uique to you, such as your address.
31 July 2014 After you have logged on to the website, your personal information page will open. You can edit this page by clicking the “Edit” button and then saving your changes. You can then proceed to the Home Page. This page also indicates the day that your membership expires. When the expiry date is nearing, this box will turn red to remind you. If your membership expires, you will need to enrol again. You can pay for an Activity once you have received the Activity Reference Number from the Activity Leader from this page. You can also pay for an Activity on it’s description page.
Once you are in the website, you can start to search for Activities that interest you. Watch this section for upcoming Activities. They will automatically be uploaded to the Home page as their date approaches. Watch this “Latest News” section for important news about kcwc and upcoming Activities.
After you click on “Activities”, the site will open to the Calendar page, which will list all of the Activities remaining for that particular month, starting with the current day.
If you want to see what’s going on in a particular day, click on the day and a drop-down box with all the items will appear. If you are interested in an Activity, click the little blue arrows and you will be brought to the page about that Activity.
When you get to that page, you will find out all of the information about the Activity, including when, where, the cost, who to contact. etc., and a brief description of the Activity. You can pay for the Activity on the description page. When you enter the Activity Reference number you have received from the Activity Leader, it will be loaded into your Shopping Cart.
If you want to find out about specific Activities, use this section. Click on it and all of the different Activities’ names will appear.
When the names appear, go to the Activity you want and click on it. The days when that Activity is taking place will appear on the page that opens.
So if you chose London Walks, the day when a walk is to take place shows that Activity only. You can click on that Activity’s icon and you will go to the description page. You can also view the upcoming activities in a list form, instead of on the Calendar. Click here and a list will appear.
This is a list of all of the upcoming Activities on the Calendar. Again, you can look for a specific Activity by clicking on the blue bar and a drop-down list will appear.
You can choose the Activity, then click “Go” and all of those items will appear on a list.
When the list appears (even if it’s only one item), you can click on the “More details” button and you will go right to that page.
Under the “Membership” tab you can view the information about your account, Member Benefits and search for other members in the Directory. You can also renew your membership online.
SagePay When you have finished signing up for the different Activities, you can go to your Shopping Cart to pay. You will then be directed to SagePay where the transaction will be processed.
The website is now “responsive”. which means that it will shrink the different pages according to the instrument you are using to access it, whether a tablet or a smart phone. All of the info is there, just in a more reader-friendly format.
Website Improvements Join kcwc and participate in Activities immediately - no more waiting for Membership Card, Membership Number or Newsletter Easier to renew membership; reminded when you sign in so you don’t miss out! Pay online for multiple Activities at the same time Track your paid Activities Learn about upcoming Activities, Latest News and Special Events on the Home page Search more easily for Activities that interest you Be reminded about our fabulous Member Benefits Change your personal information yourself Activity Leaders better able to organise, manage their events; quick posting of Activities Easier maintenance by Website team; able to upgrade, improve with minimal effort Reduced time, money and effort to run kcwc Attract new members to join! Secure Membership information
Julie Lee