MySQL and JDBC Tutorial ECT 7130 Hong Cheng
Supplement on MySQL ement/Supplement4bMySQL.pdf
MySQL Download and Install When you install the software, you can set the root password.
Starting and Stopping MySQL Server Starting and stopping the server –See Item 1 in supplement Login –mysql –u root –p –Type your password Create an ordinary user –See Item 3 in supplement to create a user with name “scott” and password “tiger”
Databases in MySQL show databases; use test; create database javabook; use javabook;
Tables create table Course ( courseId char(5), subjectId char(4) not null, courseNumber integer, title varchar(50) not null, numOfCredits integer, primary key (courseId) ); create table Student ( ssn char(9), firstName varchar(25), mi char(1), lastName varchar(25), birthDate date, street varchar(25), phone char(11), zipCode char(5), deptId char(4), primary key (ssn) ); create table Enrollment ( ssn char(9), courseId char(5), dateRegistered date, grade char(1), primary key (ssn, courseId), foreign key (ssn) references Student (ssn), foreign key (courseId) references Course (courseId) );
Load from a File Put the above commands in a file, e.g., test.sql and put in D:\book\test.sql. Then in MySQL command line window, type: source D:\book\test.sql
Insert Tuples insert into Course (courseId, subjectId, courseNumber, title, numOfCredits) values ('11113', 'CSCI', '3720', 'Database Systems', 3); insert into Student (ssn, firstName, mi, lastName, birthDate, street, phone, zipCode, deptId) values (' ', 'John', 'M', 'Smith', ' ', 'main', ' ', '61801', 'SEEM'); insert into Enrollment (ssn, courseId, dateRegistered, grade) values (' ', '11113', ' ', 'A'); select * from Enrollment;
Set MySQL JDBC Driver An easy way –Copy slide\book\mysqljdbc.jar to C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_03\lib\ext –Try to run the program An alternative way –In command line window –set classpath=%classpath%;c:\slide\book\mysqljdbc.jar; –cd slide\book –java FindGrade