Suffolk Family Focus How do we transform our approach to challenged and challenging families?
Troubled Families Initiative Launched by Government in April Seeks to turn around the lives of 120,000 ‘troubled families’ by May What is a ‘troubled family’? –Education – Persistent Truancy & Exclusion –Crime/ASB – Youth Crime and ASB Interventions –Worklessness – In receipt of out of work benefits –Local Discretion – Extra local concerns + two of above Estimate of 1,150 families in Suffolk - We will already be working with the vast majority. High/med/low intensity. No national blueprint for delivery – Freedom to innovate locally and do what works for us £4,000 per family (mix of up-front and PbR) with an expectation of finding £6,000 ‘in kind’ match from the local system.
Suffolk Family Focus so far Suffolk Family Focus is Suffolk’s response to the Governments Troubled Families Initiative. About transforming our approach and redirecting and refocusing current resource. We will already working with the vast majority of these families – this is a chance to do something different and enable real change with challenged and challenging families. Multi-agency steering group meets on a monthly basis to provide direction and oversight. It includes all major agencies: SCC CYP, SCC ACS, Police, Probation, District/Borough Councils, JC+, Health, VCS…
Where are we now? TFI is the only Government social programme in town Families will need to meet at least 2 of the Governments national criteria Agreed: –Psychologically Informed Case Management –VCS commissioning –Lead Agency Payments –Workforce development –Some micro-commissioning
The numbers (so far…)
Your feedback so far We already do this through CAF A good idea at a bad time We need more paid hours for professionals – not programmes! Better communication is the key We need 1 professional for 1 family We haven’t done enough for these families – great chance to really help them change Not enough time to do what we really want to do
What works? The Lowestoft pilot Family A: High crime/ASB Truancy Father in prison Historic Domestic Abuse School exclusion Child/Adolescent Mental Health Family B: Crime/ASB Mental health Bereavement Poor school attendance Substance misuse Family violence
What Works? The Lowestoft pilot Pilot led by Waveney District Council ASB Team Feedback from Worker …Hard work but rewarding to see families move on …Reviews and support of manager important …Works with family on their terms and what they want to achieve …Practical help when necessary …Honesty Results achieved: - High levels of engagement - Families actively involved in plan - Truancy rate fallen dramatically - Police callouts down - ASB incidents down - Mother registered for college course - Tenancy Secure - Parenting concerns addressed - Housing issue resolved - Debt issues under control
The Key Challenge How do we move from ‘long and thin’ to ‘short and fat’ (…. with a tail)
Haverhill - a ‘Whole System’ approach?
Practical next steps Assistance undertaking research project with families – mapping out service involvement across the system Is this realistic? Using this information to enable a ‘brokered’ approach in Haverhill where possible Longer-term approach to Suffolk Family Focus in Haverhill which utilises strong local partnerships in One Haverhill?
Keep in touch We distribute a regular electronic briefing to anyone who is interested – speak to us afterwards if you want to receive this. Keep in touch! Andy Hollingsworth – National Management Trainee (NMT) / Nicki Cooper – Project Manager: Suffolk Family Focus /