Fairy tales Автор работы: Шевченко Светлана Михайловна Учитель английского языка МОУ СОШ №6
Fairy tales Wolf farm Fox oven Ugly ducklingold woman Bear apple tree DragonKolobock Grannywooden house Alyonushkaforest
Sentences Wolf cooked a pie Fox had a fire in the mouth Ugly ducklingsat in the chair Bear ate an apple Dragonwent to the old woman Grannyran fast Alyonushkalived in the country
Check your answers The wolf went to the old woman The fox ate Kolobok The ugly duckling stayed in a farm The bear sat in the chair The dragon had a fire in the mouth The dragon lived in the forest Granny cooked a pie The boy/girl lived in the country Kolobock ran fast Alyonushka ate an apple
The Gingerbread Man
Questions QUESTIONS Who is this story about? Where did they live? Was their house big? What did they have? Did the old woman like to cook? What did she do one day?