Jim Brau for WWS to ICFA at Uppsala, 3 July 2005 1 Report of WorldWide Study on Physics and Detectors for ILC 1. LCWS at Stanford 18-22 March 2005 2. Discussing.


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Presentation transcript:

Jim Brau for WWS to ICFA at Uppsala, 3 July Report of WorldWide Study on Physics and Detectors for ILC 1. LCWS at Stanford March Discussing issues with Barry Barish, GDE 3. Workshop at Snowmass, August LCWS (+?) at Bangalore 9-14 March Regional Meetings 5. Panels on R&D, software, benchmarks, 2 Detectors, physics case, etc. etc.? World Wide Study

Jim Brau for WWS to ICFA at Uppsala, 3 July LCWS at Stanford, March 2005 Most participants ever. 401 registered. Highlights included -BB’s public acceptance of GDE Directorship. - Full establishment of 3 detector concepts, with inter-regional leadership. -First meeting of R&D panel. J-C.Brient, Ecole Polytechnique C.Damerell, RAL chair R. Frey, Oregon H.J.Kim, Kyungpook W. Lohmann, DESY D. Peterson, Cornell Y. Sugimoto, KEK T.Takeshita, Shinsu H.Weerts, FNAL/MSU

Jim Brau for WWS to ICFA at Uppsala, 3 July Concept study teams have formed bottom-up. 1. SiD; all-silicon tracking, 5 Tesla B-field, SiW ECAL. Leaders (2 NA, 1 Asia, 1 Europe) 2. “GLD”; Large volume gaseous tracker with lower B evolved from JLC/GLC/NA”Large” Det.; Leaders (2 Asia, 2 NA, 2 Europe) 3. “LDC”; Met first in Ecole Polytechnique January, started from TESLA detector and NA “Large”. Leaders (2+2+2) All Concept teams have global leadership Many sub-detector R&D teams contribute to more than one concept; e.g. TPC development, vertex detectors, etc. etc. Detector Concept Studies

Jim Brau for WWS to ICFA at Uppsala, 3 July Comparison of current concepts Huge Satoru Yamashita at Durham SiD “LDC” “GLD”

Jim Brau for WWS to ICFA at Uppsala, 3 July Area of EM CAL (Barrel + Endcap) –SiD: ~40 m 2 / layer –TESLA: ~80 m 2 / layer –GLD: ~100 m 2 / layer –(GLC: ~130 m 2 /layer) Huge ~2.1m Comparison of size of EM CAL surface Based on Satoru Yamashita at Durham LDC GLD

Jim Brau for WWS to ICFA at Uppsala, 3 July Discussions with Barry Barish 1.Relation of WWS to GDE? BB suggested 3 co-chairs join the GDE. But important to remain as independent, representative voice for users. 2. Proposed deliverables in next two years? WWS would like to co-ordinate with GDE machine plans. - Report on missing detector R&D:end 2005, to coincide with report on machine R&D. - “Volume” on detector concepts:end 2006 to accompany machine CDR. Would be a single writeup drawing on all 3 concepts for performance and costs. These deliverables will be important focus at Snowmass.

Jim Brau for WWS to ICFA at Uppsala, 3 July Discussions with Barry Barish 3.Options (e - e -, , e + pol’n, GigaZ, high L) Agreed with BB, prefer all kept open thru 2006  needs more R&D to maintain an expert support group who can tackle the major problems and speak up for it. ( Small group of experts met just before LCWS in March; proposal for graded R& D program under development )

Jim Brau for WWS to ICFA at Uppsala, 3 July ILC WSs, Snowmass, Aug ‘05 1.Regional ALCPG Workshop with expanded WWS participation - Fully international organizing committee 2.Second ILC Workshop (after KEK workshop in November, 2004) Over 500 registrants Agenda planning underway 1 st Monday – plenary 1 st Tue-Thur – WGs (accel, concepts, physics, det R&D) 1 st Friday – summaries 2 nd week – continue WGs 2 nd Friday/Sat – final summaries Support from many sources: US DOE/NSF, Argonne, Cornell, LBNL, JLab Stanford, URA in kind from Fermilab, SLAC, Cornell, Colorado, LBNL travel grants – esp. DESY and NSF

Jim Brau for WWS to ICFA at Uppsala, 3 July LCWS Bangalore 9-14 March 2006 Snowmass will be a significant step forward in interactions between the WWS and ILC communities Can LCWS be combined with a GDE meeting? Rohini Godbole says Bangalore could accommodate ~200 to 300 for LCWS, and might fit in more. BB has favored holding an open GDE meeting in parallel. Discussed possibilities with ILC WG4 leaders (BDIR). They might like to meet at Bangalore, if it fits GDE plans. An expanded meeting would benefit the Indian community, who have difficulty in travelling overseas. LCWS going ahead. Rohini would like early decision on scale of added ILC activities at Bangalore.

Jim Brau for WWS to ICFA at Uppsala, 3 July Regional Physics and Detectors Workshops Thinking of 1 per region per year (including LCWS?). Important to keep regional activities going - only contact for many theorists and young physicists. ACFA July, Daegu, Korea. ALCPG has become Snowmass – quasi international - fully co-ordinated with ILC workshop. ECFA November, Vienna - tried and failed to coordinate with GDE. Can our regional physics and detector workshops be fully coordinated with GDE meetings in the future?

Jim Brau for WWS to ICFA at Uppsala, 3 July Special WWS Panels R&D panel J-C.Brient/ C.Damerell(chair)/ R. Frey/ H.J.Kim/ W. Lohmann/ D. Peterson/ Y. Sugimoto/ T.Takeshita/ H.Weerts Have requested input from all R&D groups and Concepts Will compile program, identify gaps, in advance of Snowmass Prepare R&D report by end of 2005, to go along with GDE machine R&D report Testbeams J. Yu et al. – Collating worldwide needs – Recent progress in meeting some requests MDI panel (interim) Woods/Bambade/Tauchi Have delivered list of critical questions to concepts to be addressed before/at Snowmass Need to work out how MDI is dealt with in GDE important for physics and detectors groups to be heard (joint working group/ MDI panel + WG4?)

Jim Brau for WWS to ICFA at Uppsala, 3 July Special WWS Panels Physics Case panel Working on possible input to EPP2010. Richard/Grannis/Okada/Patterson/Yamashita/Miller/ Zerwas/Peskin/Oreglia/Miyamoto/Hewettt 2 Complementary Detectors panel Brau/Omori/Settles/(Butler as D’sAdv.) 1 st draft to be distributed before Snowmass – town meeting at Snowmass Cross-check and scientific redundancy Complementarity, future collider options (  e) Competition Efficiency, Reliability, Insurance Sociology, Scientific Opportunity Historical cases (Counter points of view addressed) (WWS+BB are reviewing draft now) we’ve discussed with Barry how to carry this forward beyond Snowmass - seek outside criticism to find best understanding of value of two complementary detectors

Jim Brau for WWS to ICFA at Uppsala, 3 July Special WWS Panels Software Tools panel Aim for sharing between concepts. Behnke/Graf/Miyamoto are ad hoc panel;  more official? Benchmarks panel (interim) Preparing for Snowmass. Panel has selected key reactions: - measure detector performance vs. parameters (eg. R, B,..) (eventually, demonstrate physics reach) Concept Costing panel (to be?) Asking concepts to send costing experts to Snowmass. Plan they’ll work with GDE cost-engineers. Maybe this grows into costing panel for end 2006 “volume”. Editorial Board (to be) - Discussing for end 2006 “volume”.

Jim Brau for WWS to ICFA at Uppsala, 3 July Conclusions Strong, active community working on ILC physics and detectors worldwide Very good inter-regional collaboration Addressing critical issues through panels of experts (along lines proposed to ILCSC/ICFA last year) Planning to work closely with GDE