The Collaboratory Monday, September 21, 2009
Fall Retreat Come out for a fun time with the whole Collaboratory! Collab Spoof Game New Members Orientation Alumni and Fire Sleep Over October 9th-10 th (Fri – Sat), RSVP now!
Student Leaders & Advisors: Summer site team proposals Due: Fall Break (October 22 nd ) to For more information: Wiki– See the “Approving Programs” page found under “Proposals” in the Policies & Procedures section Summer 2010 Site Team Proposals
New Web Site!!!
Are You Civi-ing? Remember to update the CiviCRM database! All contacts must be in the database by Fall Break (October 22 nd ) for our fall newsletter. If this is new to you, please talk to your Group Leader and see Bethany Waldmann for a
Wiki Accounts If you’re new to the Collaboratory and/or don’t have a Collaboratory Wiki Account… Contact Bethany Waldmann
Prayer Breakfasts Come out and join your friends! Even Fire Prevention and Law Enforcement Officers came to share in the fun Share in… November 9am Food Grantham Church Prayer Worship Fun!
Nestlé Prize in Creating Shared Value What? An investment of up to $461,000 awarded to an individual, an NGO or a small enterprise for outstanding innovation in water, nutrition or rural development that: 1. Has proven its worth on a small-scale 2. Is feasible and applicable on a broader scale or in other communities 3. High promise of improving rural development, improving nutrition, improving access to clean water, or having a significant impact on water management. Submission Deadline: October 31 st, 2009 For More Information:
Next Time Chapel Credit will be offered! Steve “Stretch” Dean Youth Pastor, Immanuel Church of the Nazarene: Lansdale, PA The Joys of our Spiritual Disciplines: Holiness
Tonight Chapel Credit is offered! Angela Hare Chair, Mathematical Sciences and Education Group Advisor Bible Study: Jeremiah 1