Submissions Stats 119 submissions – Paris ‘09: 113 (deadline after STOC) Prague '06: 87 Aarhus '03: 65 Florence '00: junk submissions 34 papers accepted – Second highest ever? Paris ’09 had 37 papers – The 3 ½ day format offers some flexibility Two invited talks: – Peter Bürgisser & Toniann Pitassi
Subarea#submissions#accepted Classical, structural complexity (incl. logic)165 Quantum154 Pseudorandomness116 Communication Complexity; lower bounds93 Approximability92 Cryptographic complexity81 Sat. algos, parameterized complexity53 Property testing52 Algebraic complexity53 Proof systems, PCPs42 Proof complexity31 Coding theory31 Complexity related Math31 Sundry50 TOTAL10134 Papers by areas (approximate)
Conference on Computational Complexity The Ronald V. Book Prize for Best Student Paper of the 27 th Conference on Computational Complexity, CCC’12 Andrew Drucker Is Awarded To For the Paper Limitations of Lower-Bound Methods for the Wire Complexity of Boolean Operators
CCC’12 special issue of Computational Complexity journal 1. Amplifying Circuit Lower Bounds Against Polynomial Time With applications 2.Is the Valiant-Vazirani Isolation Lemma Improvable? 3.Parallel approximation of min-max problems with applications to classical and quantum zero-sum games 4. A Satisfiability Algorithm and Average-Case Hardness for Formulas over Full bInary basis 5.DNF Sparsification and Faster Deterministic Counting 6.A strong direct product theorem for quantum query complexity 7.On sunflowers and matrix multiplication