INTRODUCTION The purpose of this presentation is to show reasons why youth commit crime in this area. The statistics that will follow were done by means of surveys and interviews. Each member of the group was given a set of survey and interview questions. The task was to interview a minimum of 20 people in the community and see what they thought about youth crime in The Pas
SURVEY QUESTIONS Prior to conducting the survey we had come up with a list of generic questions to ask random people in the community. Again each member of the group was to conduct interviews and take surveys, asking the same questions to each of the people. The survey questions are as followed:
1. Are you aware of any gangs or gang activity in town? Yes or No 2. Are you a member of a gang? Yes or No 3. How many gangs do you know of in this area? 0,1, 2, 3, >3 4. What are reasons for committing crime? Bored, Peer Pressure, Money, Pride, Habit, Other 5. What crimes are usually committed? Theft, Vandalism, Break & Enter, Assault, Other 6. Do you think most people are intoxicated/ high or impaired when committing crimes? Yes or No 7. Have you ever been a victim of crime? Yes or No 8. What is your family life like? Single parents, Extended family, Working parents, Separated/ Divorced, Stay at home
SURVEY RESULTS The following are the results of 25 people interviewed. This interview consists of people who range from yrs old. Are you aware of any gangs or gang activity in town? (YES) 68% (NO) 32% Are you a member of a gang? (YES) 24% (NO) 76% How many gangs do you know of in this area? (0) 28% (1) 20% (2) 4% (3) 12% (3 OR MORE) 36% What do you think is the main reasons for committing crime? (BORED) 16% (PEER PRESURE) 36% (MONEY) 20% (SUPPORT HABIT) 24% (PRIDE) 4% What crimes are usually committed? (THEFT) 16% (VANDALISM) 36% (BREAK & ENTER) 24% (ASSAULT) 8% (OTHER) 16% Do you think most people are intoxicated/ high or impaired when committing crimes? (YES) 40% (NO) 60% Have you ever been a victim of crime? (YES) 60% (NO) 40% What is your family life like? (SINGLE PARENT) 28% (EXTENDED FAMILY) 4% (WORKING PARENTS) 36% (SEPARATED/ DIVORCED) 16% (STAY AT HOME ) 16%
INTERVIEW QUESTIONS Prior to conducting the interview we had come up with a list of generic questions to ask random people in the community. Again each member of the group was to conduct interviews, asking the same questions to each of the people interviewed. The interview questions are as follows:
1. Why do you think youth commit crime in your area? 2. Would you join a gang? Why or why not? 3. What types of programs/ activities would you like to see in your community to downsize gang activity? 4. If you are a member of a gang, would you be willing to state what gang you are a member of ? 5. Who are the people/ authority figures that you respect? 6. What is your opinion about police? (RCMP/ Band Constables) 7. Has crime affected your family? If so, what has been affected?
INTERVIEW RESULTS Reasons why youth commit crime in this area: - Boredom/Nothing to do - Drugs and Alcohol - Intimidation/Looking to start something - Dumb/ Stupid - Peer pressure/ To be cool/Acceptance - Money/Want something - Enjoyment/Excitement Reasons to join a gang: - Protection - Standing up for your property/ belongings - Get other gangs off the street/ To back down Reasons not to join a gang: - Family (no need for a gang)/Already have friends (support) - Violence - Don’t want the trouble/ Jail time/Criminal record - Bad reputation - Simply don’t like gangs/ Stupid idea - Leader not a follower/Too smart for a gang
Types of programs that people would like to see in the community: - More organized & affordable sports programs (football, hockey, soccer, baseball, curling) - More Gym Nights at schools - Bigger Recreation/Youth Centre with more funding - Community Service/Restitution Programs - Indoor Skate Park/Youth weight room Gangs that people are a member of: - Just about everyone said no - FBC People or authority figures you respect: - Coaches/Teachers - Family (parents, aunts & uncles, and older siblings) - Police/Soldiers - Mayor - People going to school - Senior Citizens - Non- Smokers - Friends/Older Siblings - Pro athletes
Opinions about police/ band constables: - Well respected - Abuse Authority/show favoritism/Most are assholes - Do a good job - Have a thankless job - Not enough authority with respect to Youth Crime - Not enough training (in reference to both RCMP & Band Constables) - Don’t do much or nothing at all/just drive around or eat donuts - Don’t pay enough attention to the “Ghetto” - Not enough police officers - 5 out of 6 people Sean interviewed said F*ck the Police How crime has affected peoples family: - Worried about property/more cautious - Causes stress/worried about dangers of crime - Worried about being assaulted or belongings being stolen/vandalized - Family members using drugs - People wanting revenge Jail time
SUMMARY Based on the interviews and surveys that were conducted, we found many different opinions of youth and youth crime in the community. We focused in on the affects of gangs because we feel that is the main problem in this community. Some people were hesitant to give answers, while others were wide open and willing to say what they felt. No one had any problems finding people to interview, and found that it was a good experience. Overall we thought it was a good assignment and gave us a better understanding of how people approached gang activity in the community.