SPEC MEANS TO SEE/LOOK Circumspect Adj. Careful to look at all possibilities before acting; cautious; aware of consequences Circum –circumference -around Spec=to look
SPEC MEANS: TO SEE OR LOOK Inspect Verb; means to look at carefully in search of flaws My car is having trouble, so I need to get it inspected.
SPEC MEANS TO SEE OR LOOK Introspection Noun – the act of looking into one’s own thoughts and feelings After the accident, she sat in the chair full of introspection.
SPEC = TO SEE OR LOOK Perspective Noun- one way of looking at things From your perspective, who did the best job?
SPEC TO SEE/LOOK Respect Verb - To look up to someone; to show honor Please show respect to your elders!
SEE/LOOK LATIN ROOT - SPEC Retrospective Adjective-looking back at past things My grandparents were retrospective about their lives during the 1950’s.
SPECLATIN FOR TO SEE/LOOK Spectacle Noun – something displayed for the public to see The boy made a spectacle of himself when he threw a tantrum. (caused a scene)
SPEC MEANS TO SEE/LOOK Spectacles Noun- glasses that help someone see better Do you wear spectacles to see better?
TO SEE/LOOKSPEC/LATIN ROOT Spectator Noun – a person who watches something, such as a sporting event There were many spectators at the Olympics.
SPEC MEANS TO SEE/LOOK Speculate Verb – to look at and think about something from different points of view I speculate that you all have different perspectives about sports.