Welcome class of 2013 BienvenidosByenvini
Graduation Requirements 24 Credits24 Credits Pass FCAT Reading, Math, and WritingPass FCAT Reading, Math, and Writing GPA= 2.0 or higherGPA= 2.0 or higher Community Service= 20 hoursCommunity Service= 20 hours
What classes do you need in 9 th Grade? English 1 Developmental Language Arts Algebra 1 HOPE Integrated Science Two electives
What are electives? Foreign Languages Foreign Languages Computers for College and careers Computers for College and careers Art classes Art classes Drama, Theatre Tech, TV Production Drama, Theatre Tech, TV Production Chorus, Band, or Music Theory Chorus, Band, or Music Theory Drafting, Construction, Communication, and Engineering Tech. Drafting, Construction, Communication, and Engineering Tech.
Academy Programs Criminal Justice Academy Early Childhood Academy Air Force Jr. ROTC Academy Medical Sciences Academy Culinary Arts Academy ► For these academies you need to apply and be accepted.
Attendance Bring in a note, within 2 days of your absence, from a parent and/or doctor to receive an excused note. Bring in a note, within 2 days of your absence, from a parent and/or doctor to receive an excused note. Make up work will only be given with an excused note. Make up work will only be given with an excused note. If you are absent more than 10 days (excused or not excused) and you fail the final exam you will not receive credit for the class. If you are absent more than 10 days (excused or not excused) and you fail the final exam you will not receive credit for the class.
Dress Code Shirts: White, Blue, Maroon, Gray, Red Pants: Khaki, Navy, Black, Gray, Brown Remember…NO black shirts.
No te olvides… Pa Bliye… It is important that you do well in all your classes. Don’t be late to class. Try not to be absent, but if have to be absent bring in a note. Be in dress code.
Get Involved… Be part of a club. Be part of a club. Join a sports team. Join a sports team. Go to tutoring after school. Go to tutoring after school. Go to the football games and other sporting events. Go to the football games and other sporting events. GO TROJANS!
Nuestra meta Bi nou “Having a goal is a state of happiness.”