Robert Gagné: Conditions of Learning MASON URBAN
Eight ways to Learn 1.Signal Learning: A general response to a signal 2.Stimulus-Response Learning: A precise response to a distinct stimulus. 3.Chaining: A chain of two or more stimulus-response connections. 4.Verbal Association: Learning chains that are mainly verbal. 5.Discrimination Learning: The ability to make different responses to similar-appearing stimuli. 6.Concept Learning: A common response to a class of stimuli. Allows generalization 7.Rule Learning. Learning a chain of two or more concepts. Also allows generalization 8.Problem Solving. A kind of learning that requires "thinking."
Gagné’s Hierarchy of Learning Increasing complexity Reminiscent of Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive development
5 Categories of Learning 1.Intellectual skills: Create individual competence and ability to respond to stimuli. 2.Cognitive strategies: Capability to learn, think, and remember 3.Verbal information: Memorization of names, faces, dates, phone numbers, etc. 4.Motor skills: Capability to learn to drive, ride a bike, draw a straight line, etc. 5.Attitudes: Ingrained bias towards different ideas, people, situation. ◦Affects how someone acts towards these things.
Multiple Intelligences Gardner’s IntelligencesDescriptionGagné’s Corresponding Category/Categories Logical-MathematicalLogical or numerical patterns, long chains of reasoningIntellectual Skills, Cognitive Strategies LinguisticSounds, rhythms and meanings of words, different functions of languageVerbal Information, Cognitive Strategies MusicalProduce and appreciate rhythm, pitch, and timbre, musical appreciationCognitive Strategies, Verbal Information SpatialPerceive visual-spatial world accurately, performing transformationsMotor Skills, Intellectual Skills, Bodily-kinestheticControl body movements and handle objects skillfullyMotor Skills, Intellectual Skills InterpersonalDiscern and respond to the moods, motivations and desires of othersAttitudes, Cognitive Strategies IntrapersonalKnowledge of ones own strength and feelings, drawing on them for guidanceAttitudes, Cognitive Strategies NaturalistRecognize plants and animals, make distinctions in the natural worldVerbal Information, Cognitive Strategies