Parents Information
If you receive your finalised EHCP by 24 th July 2015 (our last day of term for this academic year)then we will be able to commence your child’s phased entry into school on 3 rd September 2015 If however we do not receive this before 24 th July 2015 and it comes through during the summer holidays we will give you a starting date for later in September – it will be as soon as we can arrange it – it will not be during the first week back.
All children come into school on a phased entry. Week 1 children stay to 11.50am Week 2 children stay to 1.00 pm Week 3 full time to 3.15 pm So those starting on 3 rd September that will be week 1 7 th September will be week 2 & 14 th September will be week 3. Please note those on Transport – Parents will be responsible for collecting their child in weeks 1 & 2 as the Taxi companies cannot accommodate the phased entry this year.
Its very basic – white polo shirt with grey trousers or skirt. Along with a school jumper that can be ordered from the school reception desk (I recommend V neck jumpers, they seem to cause less problems getting over heads & not catching on ears) Please make sure all items of clothing are named – despite all our efforts things still manage to disappear.
Please provide a simple PE kit – white t shirt, black shorts & plimsolls. Again all to be named. Although we don’t do anything necessarily requiring specialist clothes, we do encourage the children to get changed for themselves as much as possible – so all part of learning self help & independence. SWIMMING Kits – we do try and get into the hydro- pool each week. So a towel, swim wear & swim pads are required. (Named!)
We have a range of Permission Forms that will be sent to you along with the admission forms. Things like Permission for photographs to be taken & then where used e.g. for personal evidence or up on the school website. Off site activities in local area e.g. York Parade Shops or Library, Teeth Cleaning after lunch and swimming in our Hydro-pool. (This is not the whole list!)
We do have school nurses on site - they can give medicines such as antibiotics if required.(Permission forms will need to be signed) Clinics – the community Paediatrician Dr Gupta holds clinics in school regularly instead of having to have hospital appointments. All Reception age children will be invited to at least 1 clinic in their 1 st year here. There are also a range of other clinics – Orthotics, Wheelchair, Continence, Feeding all held in school. Please ask if you want further information.
We do have Occupational & Physiotherapists in school – if it is felt your child will benefit from seeing a therapist and they are new to the service we do have to make a formal referral & this does take time to get through the system. We have an Early Years Department Speech & Language Therapist – Mari Evans who can help with communication needs and support such how to use PECS at home & school.
If you so wish you can take advantage of having a free hot school meal at lunch time. Or you are welcome to send in a packed lunch. If you have a fussy eater we can try learning plates (formally taster plates)
Although all Reception age children receive free school meals getting Pupil Premium is not automatic. If you receive certain benefits you have to make a formal application for free school meals in order to qualify for pupil Premium Please look on school website – Parent Information for further details.
We all get ill sometimes, and very often when starting school the children catch a whole lot of different illnesses – lots of different bugs to be caught. Please ring in to school each day your child is off and then a written note when they return as to the reason – even if it’s a quick note in the home school contact book. That saves the office sending you a letter. (Its all record keeping & required by the LEA – we get asked to account for absences)
As a general rule we respectfully request that holidays are taken during term breaks. If you feel there is a special circumstance around taking a break in school time, there is a request procedure to go through and a request form to complete. These can be obtained from the reception desk at school.
Has lots of useful information on it – term dates, clinic dates, what’s on guide etc Specifically for EYFS go to Lower school & Upper School Departments – School Departments – EYFS. On there you will find Information, Timetables, Module Summaries, Activity Photographs etc. (And a copy of this!)
Your child will have a booklet sent to them before they start (and a copy will be on the Website) Telling them all about being in Acorns class. Hopefully this presentation, the school prospectus & website will answer all your questions. We will also arrange individual transition meetings to help the move into school go smoothly & answer any of your questions.