A Dorset People First report on health services in Dorset.
We held workshops around Dorset to find out what Forum members think about health services.
No one Half of the people have had one 0 How many people at our workshops have had one? 0 50%
We asked people which health services they had good experiences with and which were a bad experience for them.
Optician 16 5 Dentist 18 7 Psychologist 5 5
Community Nurse 11 4 Hospital 13 9 Psychiatrist 69
Wheelchair Services 2 6 Practice Nurse 14 3 Occupational Therapist 5 5
Dietician 10 1 Chemist 13 4 Chiropodist 17 3
9 8 Physiotherapy 11 3 Audiology 9 7 Clinic
There were a total of 245 votes 159 Good Experiences 86 Bad Experiences That means that for the forum members we talked to more than half (54%) their experiences with these services was bad
We would like to do more work on this to find out what has been going wrong and how we can work with health services to make things better
We also asked people about the sort of health information they would like
Most people do not know how to contact sexual health services We found out that….. Then we filled in an easy questionnaire about
Most people said they would like to get information on sexual health services…. From their the or by post Some would like to talk to support staff or health staff A few would also like to get information on the internet or from local news papers
Things that might stop people using sexual health services were…. 1.Not knowing enough about them 2.Feeling embarrassed 3.No transport to get there We want to work with sexual health services to make sure things get better