Moxley Community Base: Things that we do…
Breakfast Club Twice a week we have a breakfast club run by volunteers. The club is very successful and is used by the local community and other organisations. Exercise sessions We have gentle sessions run by a qualified tutor and physiotherapist. We also have sessions to music.
Makaton A lot of us use Makaton to communicate. A qualified speech and language therapist comes in to help us with social skills, interaction and eye contact. Leisure activities We do things like bowling, swimming and keep fit at Bloxwich Leisure Centre. There are also regular healthy walks.
Day trips Every day we think about what we want to do and achieve. This often includes going on visits, such as the German Market, Sandwell Valley and shopping trips. We decide what we want to do and the staff support us to do it. The visits help us get to know our community and access it safely.
Moxley Bingo sessions Once a week we have a fun game of bingo. We include people from the local community. Friends Together Friends Together is a social group for us to get together with other people. We can have a cup of tea or coffee and catch up with friends we have not have seen for a while. Entertainment is provided sometimes
Support and information meetings We have Mencap sessions, advocacy sessions and service users consultations. We go to these meetings and are supported by staff to understand information we might need. It is important that we get independent advice on top of advice offered by the staff, so we encourage the advocacy support to attend.
Internal activities Moxley offers cooking, art and craft sessions, computer sessions, money skills and gardening. Staff support us to develop our skills and independence. We have relaxation time, a video afternoon and discos for parties and special events. We are always collecting information, finding new ideas for activities and looking out for any new developments.
Gardening We are waiting to hear back from Moorcroft Nature Reserve about letting us grow flowers and vegetables there. We would then use the vegetables as part of our cookery to make healthy food.