North American Network Operations Group (NANOG) October 23, 2000 Washington, DC PJ Aduskevicz AT&T
Internet Reliability Industry and Government Joint Initiatives Independent Initiatives Infrastructure Protection Network Reliability and Interoperability Council (NRIC) NRIC V Focus Groups for Network Reliability Infrastructure Protection Network Reliability Steering Committee Facilities Solution Team Common Ground Alliance
Evaluate and report on how well the Best Practices are being implemented by carriers Update existing Best Practices as appropriate Raise awareness in Packet Networks of existing Best Practices Determine which existing Best Practices are applicable to Packet Networks Monitor Voluntary Outage Reporting to determine Best Practices implications Continue to monitor FCC reportable outages for Best Practices implications Implement voluntary one year trial of outages of ISP, CMRS, Satellite, Cable and Data Networking Service Providers, that are likely to have significant public impact Evaluate outage reporting requirements and guidelines currently used by wireline carriers to improve the quality of outage reporting Evaluate and report on the reliability and availability of the PSTN utilizing NRSC quarterly reports Define exactly how packet networks fail by identifying all known major ways of failing Extrapolate from how packet networks fail what a packet network outage is Determine what would make sense to report as a packet network outage Focus Group 2A2 on Best Practices Packet Switching Chair: Karl Rauscher, Lucent Focus Group 2B1 on Data Reporting and Analysis Chair: P.J. Aduskevicz, AT&T Focus Group 2B2 on Data Reporting and Analysis for Packet Switching Chair: Michael Caloyannides, Miretek Systems Focus Group 2A1 on Best Practices Chair: Rick Harrison, Telcordia NRIC V Focus Group 2: Network Reliability
Infrastructure Protection Network Reliability Steering Committee Mission: The Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions’ Network Reliability Steering Committee (NRSC) is a consensus – based industry committee. The NRSC will analyze the industry’s reporting of network outages to identify trends, distribute the results of its findings to industry, and where applicable, refer matters to appropriate industry forums for further resolution in order to help ensure a continued high level of network reliability. Data Assembly & Analysis Team Bill Klein ATIS Facilities Solutions Team John Healy Telcordia Technologies Procedural Error Team Clyde Miller Nortel Networks Recommend Procedures for data analysis Perform data analysis of outage reports Issue quarterly and annual results of outage reports Investigated Procedural Errors as a category unto itself rather than a subset of existing categories Made recommendations to improve outage reporting in areas of product design, documentation, training and root cause analysis Analyze FCC facility reliability data Provide input to cross industry groups aimed at facility damage prevention Develop and evolve best practices
NRIC Focus Group 3 Subcommittee 2 Voluntary Trial Criteria
Outage Index Aggregated By Failure Category
Number of Outage Reports by Facility Failure Sub-Category of Outage
Outage Index Aggregated By Facility Failure Sub-Category
Number Of Outage Reports By Procedural Error Root Cause Subcategory
Common Ground Alliance Common Ground Alliance ( “Call, Design, Locate and Dig Safely” Alliance works cooperatively to Foster shared responsibility Support research Develop public awareness and education programs Identify and disseminate “best practices” Serve as a data clearinghouse Common Ground Study Identified Best Practices for Damage Prevention Such as Encourage participation by all stakeholders in One Call Center Program Include location of existing utilities on plans Record actual placement of utilities upon installation Utilize technologies and methods that render underground facilities easy to locate Call before you dig Know local one-call laws, policies and practices before beginning excavation activities