Revolution and Nationalism China, India and Russia
Collapse of Chinese Imperial Rule Early 1900s Kuomintang (Nationalist Party) Leader Sun Yixian Overthrew Qing dynasty
Shaky Start for New Republic Sun- president of new Republic of China Wanted to establish modern government based on Nationalism People’s rights- democracy People’s livelihood Turned power over to Yuan Shikai
May Fourth Movement China involved in WWI China outraged Protests in Beijing by students- Mao Zedong supported Became a national movement Movement showed goal of establishing a strong, modern nation
The Communist Party in China Kuomintang in southern China Sun links with Communist party Sun dies, Jiang Jieshi (Chiang Kai-shek) takes over Jiang feared Communists’ goal Clash Jiang became president of Nationalist Republic of China Civil war until 1949
Civil War Rages in China Jiang made promises Communist leader Mao Zedong developing strong following Mao envisioned taking revolution to people (country)
The Long March 1933 Jiang surrounded Communist mountain stronghold Communists fled- outnumbered 6-1 Communists began 6,000 mile long journey Civil war halted by Japanese invasion of Manchuria
Nationalism in India Indian nationalism growing since mid- 1800s Two groups formed Indian National Congress 1885 Muslim League 1906 Hindus and Muslims once divided, now united
WWI Heightens Nationalism Until WWI little interest in nationalism 1918 troops came home from war Expected self-rule, got nothing Violent actions taken Rowlatt Act Amristar Massacre
Gandhi’s Principles of Nonviolence Mohandas K. Gandhi emerges as leader Principle of satyagraha- civil disobedience Called Indians to refuse to buy British goods Boycott on British cloth Salt March British arrested thousands
Great Britain Grants Indian Self- Rule Britain passed Government of India Act Provided local self-government and limited democratic elections India began moving towards full independence
Russian Revolution Revolution- 1917, problems prior Cruel, oppressive czars created unrest Alexander II- assassinated Alexander III determined to strengthen Russia
Russian Czars Alexander III Nicholas II
Revolutionary Movement Grows Rapid industrialization New problems Rising groups Mensheviks Bolsheviks Lenin leader of Bolsheviks Fled Russia
Crises at Home and Abroad Russo-Japanese War Bloody Sunday- Revolution of 1905 WWI- Final Blow Unprepared economically and militarily Rasputin
March Revolution Local protests led to uprisings Forced czar to abdicate throne Duma established provisional government Continued to fight WWI Much unrest with this decision in Russia Lenin returns to Russia in 1917
Bolshevik Revolution Lenin and Bolsheviks take control Bolshevik Red Guards stormed Winter Palace in Petrograd Lenin established control Farmland given to peasants Factories given to workers
Lenin’s Opposition White Army Leon Trotsky commanded Red Army US sent aid to help White Army Red Army triumphed, crushing opposition
Lenin Restores Order New Economic Policy (NEP) Political Reforms Self-governing republics under central government named USSR New Capital- Moscow Bolsheviks renamed Communists