Short Term Financing n Definition: financing for less than a year. n Two sources of short-term financing: Unsecured short-term financing Secured short-term financing n Categories of unsecured short-term financing Trade Credit Line of Credit Bank Loan Commercial Papers MENU
Short Term Financing (con...) Categories of Secured Short-term Financing Pledging the Account Receivable Factoring the Account Receivable Inventory Loans: »1. Floating Lien (Blanket Lien) »2. Trust Receipt (Chattel Mortgage) Field warehousing Public warehousing (Terminal Warehouse Agreement) MENU
International Short Term Financing 1. Intercompany financing 2. Local currency financing 3. Euronotes and Euro-commercial papers 4. Funds from parent company 5. Funds from operation 6. Loan from sister subsidiary 7. Loan from local and international banks 8. Currency swaps 9. Link financing (third strong currency company guarantees loan) MENU
International Short Term Financing (con...) 10. Edged Act and agreement banking 11. International Banking Facilities 12. Joint Venture 13. World Bank and IMFWorld Bank 14. Regional Development Bank, such as Inter-AmericanInter-American Development Bank 15. Export / Import BankExport / Import Bank 16. Agency for International Development (AID)Agency for International Development (AID) 17. OPICOPIC MENU