Bellringer – Stalin – 3/11/15 What new policies or laws did Joseph Stalin create for the U.S.S.R.?
READ THIS: The receptivity of the great masses is very limited, their intelligence is small, but their power of forgetting is enormous. In consequence..., all effective propaganda must be limited to a very few points and must harp on these slogans until the last member of the public understands what you want him to understand by your slogan. Mein Kampf - Adolf Hitler (1925) Comments:
The Rise of Dictatorships Chapter 24 – Sections 2 & 3
Dictator:Benito Mussolini Country: Title: Time in Charge: Type of Government Rise to Power: New Laws: Police: Methods Used to Control Opposition:
Dictator:Joseph Stalin Country: Title: Time in Charge: Type of Government Rise to Power: New Laws: Police: Methods Used to Control Opposition:
Dictator:Francisco Franco Country: Spain Title: El Caudillo – The Leader Time in Charge: Type of Government Authoritarian Rise to Power: Used his military position to purge the Spanish Army of liberals. He took over following the Spanish Civil War New Laws: Made Catholicism the only Spanish religion Banned foreign languages outside of the home Forbade foreign names for newborns Banned Labor Unions Police: Created a Secret Police to spy on his citizens Methods Used to Control Opposition: Military Tribunal Courts executed and imprisoned opposition Censored the Media
Dictator:Adolf Hitler Country: Title: Time in Charge: Type of Government Rise to Power: New Laws: Police: Methods Used to Control Opposition:
Hitler’s Beliefs: Anti-Semitism – Racism against Jewish People Extreme Nationalism – He wanted to usher in a new era of greatness for Germany – The Third Reich. Hitler’s Early Political Life In 1919, Hitler joined what would eventually become the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (Nazi Party) He led a failed uprising in Munich, 1923 called the Beer Hall Putsch. He was sent to prison where he wrote Mein Kampf – “My struggle”
Hitler’s Legal Rise to Power Hitler now infiltrated the system of the Weimar Republic in order to make the Nazis legitimate. By 1929, Hitler had led the Nazi party to 800,000 members and the largest in the Reichstag. Most influential Germans looked to Hitler instead of President Hindenburg of the Weimar Republic – Hitler takes power as dictator with a series of events.: ▫ Hitler is named Chancellor ▫ The Reichstag Fire is used as an excuse to jail anyone. ▫ The Enabling Act is passed giving Hitler the power to ignore the constitution for 4 years.
The Nazi State Hitler ruled Nazi Germany as a fascist dictator. All political parties were abolished except the Nazi Party. Hitler claimed the Aryan Race would lead the Nazis to Racial Purity and Power over Europe. Jewish minorities were purged and sent to concentration camps. The SS – Schutzstaffen – Hitler’s Secret Police helped Hitler rule with fear and eliminate his opposition. Rearmament – Building weapons got Germany out of their economic problems. Propaganda was used to get Germany to go along with it.