Heinrich Himmler is training SS for monitoring the Fatherland >:( facebook Wall Photos Flair Boxes Heinrich Himmler Logout Heinrich Himmler is training SS for monitoring the Fatherland >:( Wall Info Photos Boxes Write something… Share View photos of Himmler (5) Heinrich Himmler is training SS for monitoring the Fatherland >:( Send Himmler a message Poke message Adolf Hitler to Heinrich Himmler: I want the land cleansed of spies! Information Networks: Germany Birthday: July 29, 1898 Political: Aryan nationalist Religion: Aryan Hometown: Munich, Germany Heinrich Himmler Going through SS applicants, why are people applying who aren't Aryan!?!?!?!? Heinrich Himmler Witnessed mass shooting today in Minsk. Friends Heinrich Himmler Opening a concentration camp on orders of Hitler. Adolf Reinhard Margarete Heinrich Himmler Just became the Chief of German police! Ernst Karl Karl
Heinrich Himmler is training SS for monitoring the Fatherland >:( facebook Wall Photos Flair Boxes Heinrich Himmler Logout Heinrich Himmler is training SS for monitoring the Fatherland >:( Wall Info Photos Boxes Basic Information Networks: Germany Sex: Male Birthday: July 29, 1898 Hometown: Munich, Germany Relationship Status: Married to Margarate Political Views: Aryan nationalist Religious Views: Aryan View photos of Himmler (5) Send Himmler a message Poke message Personal Information Activities: Destroying all opposition to the Fatherland! Interests: Killing all who are not Aryan Favorite Music: Bing Crosby, Benny Goodman, Glen Miller Favorite Movies: Inglorious Bastards, Propaganda movies, Saving Private Ryan, Valkryie, Favorite Books: Mein Kampf Information Networks: Germany Birthday: July 29, 1898 Political: Aryan nationalist Religion: Aryan Hometown: Munich, Germany Contact Information Photos 2 Albums Address: Heart of the Reich Phone Number: Unknown The Family Updated last Tuesday Reich Updated two months ago
facebook Wall Photos Flair Boxes Heinrich Himmler Logout Heinrich Himmler is training SS for monitoring the Fatherland >:( Wall Info Photos Boxes Himmler 7 Photos Himmler’s Videos http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9lYynbe07kc&feature=fvst http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ocsNJU9qevk