5th Grade Technology Project Students will focus on the Essential Question What happened between Britain and the colonies to lead to a war?


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Presentation transcript:

5th Grade Technology Project Students will focus on the Essential Question What happened between Britain and the colonies to lead to a war?

Components PowerPoint Presentation Microsoft Pamphlet Microsoft Web Page

Component #1 PowerPoint Presentation –students use a template and demonstrate their knowledge of the important events of that time period –Students will use the template and fill in the descriptions and details –students will create comprehension questions and answers about their information

PowerPoint Presentation technology extension activities include changing graphics and transitions GATE extension activities are included Resource students can fill in the blanks while viewing the teacher sample

Component #2:Microsoft Publisher Pamphlet students will create a newspaper account of a famous individual’s contribution to the history of the time period. What event did he/she participate in? Why? Include a short biographical sketch of the person Student can add political cartoons, ads, weather, etc. GATE extension included

Component #3:Microsoft Web Page as a class we will create an interactive unpublished site –includes classroom opinion poll What is the most important factor that caused war? –includes an individual page for each student to write a persuasive paper about why they choose that particular event as the most important.

PowerPoint Presentation To view a student sample click here

Microsoft Pamphlet To view a student sample check out the next slide

Tea Dumped in Boston Harbor! British Troops Sent to Massachusetts! Band of “Mohawks” dump 32 chests of Darjeeling off Griffin’s Wharf! Colonists have joined together to say “NO!” to the tax on tea. Will the king close our harbor? How can we feed and house these new troops in our homes? First stamps, then sugar, then tea… what could be next? Hear Ye! A town meeting is hereby called to discuss what is to be done with this serious state of affairs we see in our midst today. One in the afternoon today at the Boston Commons Drink Coffee!

Microsoft Web Page To view a student sample check out the next slide!

“Give me Liberty or Give me Death…” - Patrick Henry American Revolution Homepage Welcome to the homepage of our American Revolutionary War Project in Mrs. Lavertu ’ s 5th Grade Class. We welcome you to visit the individual pages to find out more about what we ’ ve learned through this project. Home Page Opinion Poll What If... Organization Welcome to the homepage of our American Revolutionary War Project in Mrs. Lavertu ’ s 5th Grade Class. We welcome you to visit the individual pages to find out more about what we ’ ve learned through this project. American Revolution Homepage “Give me Liberty or Give me Death” -Patrick Henry

Standards Addressed 5.5 Students explain the causes of the American Revolution. 1. Understand how political, religious, and economic ideas and interests brought about the Revolution (e.g., resistance to imperial policy, the Stamp Act, the Townshend Acts, taxes on tea, Coercive Acts). 2. Know the significance of the first and second Continental Congresses and of the Committees of Correspondence. 4. Describe the views, lives, and impact of key individuals during this period (e.g., King George III, Patrick Henry, Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams).

Possible Pitfalls Students need to be taught how to use PowerPoint and Publisher before this project is begun.

Terrific Teaming:Technology & History Enjoy this journey into creating computer enhanced student work Be sure to pass along new ways to use this technique in our classrooms to other teachers Save a copy of your class’s work to share and show off during parent meetings like Open House!

Thank you for your kind attention You are welcome to come to me for help anytime! Questions?