ISO/TC 211 WG4 WI 18 Encoding Foil no. 1 Annex C XML and XMI David Skogan SINTEF Telecom and Informatics
ISO/TC 211 WG4 WI 18 Encoding Foil no. 2 Contents Extensible Markup Language (XML) XML Metadata Interchange (XMI)
ISO/TC 211 WG4 WI 18 Encoding Foil no. 3 XML Concepts XML document well-formed vs. valid XML processor XML element Start tag with attributes Content End tag XML entity Text: XML-document, text, character Binary: Any thing that is not XML-encoded Document Type Declaration (DTD)
ISO/TC 211 WG4 WI 18 Encoding Foil no. 4 XML document Olaf Østensen ISO Central Secretariat Home page
ISO/TC 211 WG4 WI 18 Encoding Foil no. 5 DTD <!ATTLIST book ID ID #REQUIRED title CDATA #REQUIRED > <!ATTLIST web xml:link CDATA #FIXED “simple” href CDATA #REQUIRED show (embed | replace | new) “replace” actuate (auto | user ) “user” > catalogue.dtd
ISO/TC 211 WG4 WI 18 Encoding Foil no. 6 XML Attributes Attribute data types ID IDREF, IDREFS CDATA ENTITY, ENTITIES NMTOKEN, NMTOKENS Enumeration Special attributes hrefCDATA xml:linkCDATA xml:langNMTOKEN ...
ISO/TC 211 WG4 WI 18 Encoding Foil no. 7 XML Element content Content Alternatives Sequence Empty Any Mixed Operators ?, +, *
ISO/TC 211 WG4 WI 18 Encoding Foil no. 8 XML Character coding Character coding Document entity Default: “UTF-8” or “UTF-16” Others “ISO UCS-2”, “ISO UCS-4”, “ISO ”,..., “ISO ” “ISO-2022-JP”, “Shift_JIS”, “EUC-JP” Character reference, entities Language specifications What color is it? What colour is it?
ISO/TC 211 WG4 WI 18 Encoding Foil no. 9 Example: XML in Japanese
ISO/TC 211 WG4 WI 18 Encoding Foil no. 10 XMI Introduction In November 1997, the MOF and UML were adopted as OMG standards. The specifications included metamodel and set of CORBA interfaces for manipulating MOF based meta objects and UML based models However a file/stream based interchange format was not specified (time constraints…) In December 1997, the SMIF RFP was issued The three initial submissions XMI, CDIF and UOL have now been integrated into one - XMI
ISO/TC 211 WG4 WI 18 Encoding Foil no. 11 XMI Simplified XML Syntax and Encoding MOF Metamodel Definitions UML DTD and XML streams XMIXMI Warehouse DTD and XML streams
ISO/TC 211 WG4 WI 18 Encoding Foil no. 12 OMG Metamodeling Architecture and XMI – DTDs defined for MOF, UML – MOF metamodel DTD generation – Models are XML documents with a DTD – Document and DTD interchange
ISO/TC 211 WG4 WI 18 Encoding Foil no. 13 XML technology – Open standard by the W3C. – Markup language based on SGML. – Combines data & metadata for information interchange. – Simple, flexible, eXtensible. – Tags form a tree information structure. – DTD provides the tag rules. SGML XML HTML
ISO/TC 211 WG4 WI 18 Encoding Foil no. 14 – Standards W3C open standard on Feb 10, International ISO character sets Additional standards in progress: XLink/XPointer, Namespaces, XSL, RDF, DOM, SAX, Web-DAV – Support is exploding 27 books on in < 1 year XML supported by Adobe, ArborText, DSTC, HP, IBM, Microsoft, Netscape, Oracle, Platinum, Unisys, Select, Sun, Xerox Web, publishing, repositories, modeling, databases/warehouses, services, financial, health care, semiconductors,... XML and the Industry
ISO/TC 211 WG4 WI 18 Encoding Foil no. 15 XML benefits – XML is system-independent, vendor independent, proven with HTML on the web. – Metadata delivery via the web – Validation, tool support, low cost of entry – Advanced linking – Stylesheets for views, transforms