A brief introduction of UDDI By Xin Huang
What is UDDI
Foundation for Web Services Publish and Discover Services:UDDI Publish and Discover Services:UDDI Formal Service Descriptions: WSDL Service Interactions: SOAP Universal Data Format: XML Ubiquitous Communications: Internet
SOAP, WSDL and UDDI SOAP provides a communication mechanism between Web services and other applications WSDL offers a uniform method of describing Web services to other programs UDDI enables the creation of searchable Web services registeries
Web services architecture
Public UDDI registries UDDI 1.0 released in Sept by IBM Microsoft and Ariba. Defines framework for centralized registries that facilitate the storage, discovery and exchange of information about Web services UDDI 2.0 released in June Imporves on several features of the original specification. UDDI is used in publicly accessible UDDI Business Registry (UBR) maintained by Microsoft, IBM, HP and SAP Organization that hosts an implantation of UBR is called an operator node 4 UDDI 2.0 operator node: Microsoft, IBM, HP and SAP 2 UDDI 1.0 operator node: Microsoft and IBM
Private UDDI Registries Operate your own registry for testing purposes Establish your own registry of service for your own organization
Advantages of Registering providers: An effective method of advertising Web services. Gain global visibility. Enable to communicate and form alliances throughout the world. Help expanding market consumers: save time and simplify the process of using Web services. Help integrate applications with remotes services more quickly and efficiently.
Levels of UDDI White pages: contains information about businesses’ name, addresses, phone numbers, and so on. Yellow pages: contains business listings based on the types of these businesses. Green pages: contains all services each business offers, including all of the technical information involved in interacting with or using the service.
Information Models in UDDI Business information Business-service information Binding information Service-specification information Publisher-assertion information
UDDI information model
businessEntity structure
businessService structure
bindingTemplate structure
tModel structure
publisherAssertion structure
3 kind of relationship between organizations Parent-child: one organization owns another orgnization Peer-peer: organizations are partners or affiliates Identity: organizations identified are the same. Typically used to assert an organizations various divisions and departments
UDDI for Java (UDDI4J) It wraps the UDDI data structures in Java objects – org.uddi4j.dataype – org.uddi4j.datatype.business – org.uddi4j.datatype.binding It wraps the request and return structures of the UDDI API – org.uddi4j.datatype.request – org.uddi4j.datatype.response It provides a simple client proxy that wraps the SOAP invocation layer. – org.uddi4j.client UDDI4J is a Java class library that provides an API to interact with a UDDI. It contains an implementation of the client side of UDDI
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