Orientation of BED114 : Intel Teach to the Future Program [Savitribai Phule Pune University, B.Ed ] Suresh G. Isave Associate Professor, Tilak College of Education, Pune
BED114 : Intel Teach to the Future Program Credits – Two Marks – 40 Base on Intel Teach to the Future program 10.1 version. 11/13/20152www.sureshisave.in/
Guidelines It should be done in pair. Two student- teachers will work together collaboratively and contribute in all end products of the practical. The topic selected for the practical should belongs to method subjects or life skills, values and core elements. 11/13/20153www.sureshisave.in/
Guidelines One standard should assume for the topic. Student-teachers will assume both role while preparing documents. i.e. as a student and teacher as well. 11/13/20154www.sureshisave.in/
Guidelines All the documents in the practical are related with each other. Project Based Learning approach should be observed for the practical. 11/13/20155www.sureshisave.in/
Guidelines All documents should be saved in proper folder. Microsoft software should use to prepare all documents. Soft and Hard copy of the practical should be preserved. 11/13/20156www.sureshisave.in/
Folder Portfolio Student1_ student2_ Group in_charge Professor Assessment 1.Presentation to gauge Students’ need 2. Evaluation Tool Course_ resources Browsed Samples from CD/Computer/ Internet Images_ sounds Images, Videos, audio files etc. collection (Exploration) Student _sample Presentation/ publisher/blogs / wiki etc. any one Unit_plan Unit Plan Template Unit_support Newsletter/ Brochure on Project Based Learning 11/13/20157www.sureshisave.in/
Evaluation Scheme Sr.No End ProductFolder Marks Unit Plan Template Unit_Plan 2 Exploration Images_ Sounds 3 Newsletter/Brochure on Project based learning in MS Publisher software Unit_Support 4 Teacher’s Presentation to Gauge Students’ Need Assessment 5 Student’s Presentation (Power Point/Blog/Wiki etc.) Student_ Sample 6 Evaluation Tool for Students Presentation (Power Point/Blog/Wiki etc.) Assessment 7 Showcasing 8 Workbook Total Marks /13/20158www.sureshisave.in/
Documents 11/13/20159www.sureshisave.in/
1.Unit Plan Template This a lesson plan kind of the project. Details of the project should be filled up in the respective row. The format is available on Intel CD. It is in MS word format. Should save in Unit Plan Folder. Prepare it as a TEACHER. 11/13/201510www.sureshisave.in/
2.Newsletter / Brochure Topic of the publication should be Project based Learning. (PBL) It should be done in MS Publisher. Save in ‘Unit Support’ Folder’. Prepare it as a TEACHER. 11/13/201511www.sureshisave.in/
3. Teacher’s Presentation Teacher’s presentation to gauge students need is an orientation kind of ppt. Give a brief information about a topic selected for project. Share tentative work distribution and time schedule. Give references for more reading. Prepare it as a TEACHER. Save in ‘Assessment’ folder. It should be in MS power point. 11/13/201512www.sureshisave.in/
4.Student’s Presentation Prepare it as a STUDENT. Save in ‘students sample’ folder. Put all the content of the selected topic. Add images, graphs, diagrams, maps, audio- video etc. Prepare it in MS Power Point Presentation or Publisher or Blog or wiki etc.any other presentation software. 11/13/201513www.sureshisave.in/
5. Evaluation Tool Prepare it as a Teacher. Save in ‘Assessment’ folder. Prepare an tools to evaluate the students presentation. It could be an evaluation tool for presentation or publisher or blog etc. Include at least two aspects in tool i.e. technology and content. 11/13/201514www.sureshisave.in/
6. Exploration Save in ‘Images and Sound’ folder. Do it as a STUDENT. It is the collection of all media that students have collected for the project. Save all media in forms of images, video, audio clips, charts, docs, e-books etc. 11/13/201515www.sureshisave.in/
7. Showcasing It is an activity of the presentation of the project in the group. All documents should be presented by both students in the presence of Prof. in-charge. 11/13/201516www.sureshisave.in/
8. Workbook A workbook should be provided to students by the college. All the documents should be included in a workbook. A workbook should be a planner for the project. It can be treated as a hard copy of the project. 11/13/201517www.sureshisave.in/
For details See B.Ed syllabus of Savitribai Phule Pune University. Refer Intel Teach to the Future 10.1 version and study printed book and a CD. This presentation does not claim as an official presentation. 11/13/201518www.sureshisave.in/