1 Presentation to Technical Services Step 1 - Walk-through of new premises Step 2 – This presentation will focus on next steps to relocate staff and departmental operations from 2 nd floor to the 1 st floor Timing of next steps is not final Uncertainty centers on time required to correct deficiencies – we’ve allowed 2 weeks in our plans for this, may be less!
2 Presentation to Technical Services Recognize that timing of the move is important to staff – vacations, etc. Some staff may be sensitive on how their workstations should be relocated. Please feel free to discuss with me confidentially!
3 Overview of Move York Grounds moves boxes containing personal possessions, Kardex, supply cabinets, book trucks, filing cabinets, and lunchroom furniture Personal possessions will be secured LCS will move most computers & equipment to room 530 (Stage 1) & then to 1 st floor (Stage 2) Outside mover dismantle & reassemble cubicles York Telecom does network/phone connections Outside vendor to move compact shelving Facilities assist packing compact shelve material
4 Objective of Move Each staff member should receive their existing chair, computer, and cabinets. However, as the configuration of cubicles is changing in the new premises, you may not end up with the same cubicle components. Move is carried out in a systematic, orderly manner Operations are disrupted as little as possible
5 Move for Office Holders Office holders will move into new premises first, as their new offices will be ready to be occupied prior to cubicles. Once everything is packed and labeled, all goods moved directly to new offices. LCS and York Telecom will disconnect and reconnect computers and phones, which should not be packed!
6 Request Staff Assistance on Move Empty cubicles, pack, label boxes Leave drawers, cabinets unlocked Tape keys inside drawers Label chairs and computers Empty shelves and load material onto book trucks
7 Request Staff Assistance on Move Unload, box, & label filing cabinet material Call forward all work phones (excluding office phones) to ext York Telecom will disconnect office phones from columns.
8 Move for Staff Once staff pack & label their possessions, materials, furniture & equipment, LCS moves computers to Room 530, which will be a temporary staging area during move. Movers to disassemble cubicles in Room 208 and reassemble cubicles on 1 st floor York Grounds move possessions, Kardex, materials, furniture, cabinets, book trucks, lunch room & scanning room equipment
9 Move for Staff Once cubicles are reassembled, LCS will relocate computers to 1 st floor. York Telecom reconnects phones/network Unpacking process begins
10 What Happens During the Move For some staff, the time between the completion of packing and moving into new premises may be 7- 8 days. During the move some staff will continue working on their regular duties. Dept heads may assign people a variety of regular and/or temporary duties such as shelf reading or data clean up.
11 Initial Planning Steps May 27- June 1 JHSC and DOHS review Contractor deficiency review Staff walk through new premises Presentation to Tech Services Arrange Custodial Services Office wall installation complete
12 Changes in Activity during Move Serials mail held in storage in room 007 until Kardex operational Book deliveries held in storage in room 007 until move complete Mail delivery to Technical Services special handled until move complete
13 Compact Shelving Compact shelving moved after all staff relocated Facilities will help Tech Services pack/ unpack material on compact shelving under the direction of Linda Smith Compact shelving dismantled and reassembled by contractor in room 106
14 Washrooms Located in corridor leading to emergency exits Not included in renovations; no funding Will post “staff only” signs on doors Will work to maintain cleanliness new campus policy to remove paper towel dispensers starting; reduce waste; powered hand dryers in place
15 Next Steps Aim is to provide staff with one week’s notice on move date More frequent communications required going forward. Will use blog updates, handouts, departmental meetings, etc. Staff issued security cards before move Would appreciate your help on any departmental issues not covered. Address any concerns to your dept head.