Anne K. Stratton National Center for Health Statistics Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Center for Health Statistics Re-engineering the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS)
Topics Decade of NHIS technology change NHIS Re-engineering Project Impact of NHIS Re-engineering on user 2004 NHIS Draft Release Plan 2004 NHIS technology plans for NHIS
Decade of NHIS Technology Change 1997 Redesign Questionnaire redesign – content & structure Conversion from paper questionnaire to CAPI (computer assisted personal interview) New post production systems New data dissemination products – Internet and CD-ROM
Decade of NHIS Technology Change Consequences of adopting new technology for 1 st time Timeliness issues – 2 year backlog of production work Efficiency issues – manual, redundant systems Quality Issues – extensive clean- up/reformatting of data Ernst & Young - Evaluation of NHIS Redesign
NHIS Re-engineering Project Partnership with Census Bureau Components of Re-engineering CAPI Software conversion – DOS to Windows University of Michigan partnered on screen design issues Databases for specifications and analysis New post production systems
NHIS Re-engineering Project Schedule 2001 – Work began 2003 – Pretest 2004 – January: data collection began 2005 – July release expected NHIS production concurrent with Re-engineering
Impact of NHIS Re-engineering on the User Improve timeliness of micro data release: 6 months after data collection ends for most files Better documentation Reduce editing and recodes Reduce redundancy between files
2004 NHIS Draft Release Plan July 2005 – partial release October 2005 – complete release Health Insurance – coded component Maybe other files ??? Internet only
Future Technology Plans for NHIS Continuous Improvement Re-engineering provides foundation we will build upon Analytic tools for the user SQL Server relational database technology Data warehouses and data marts for specific analytic needs Historical NHIS Files on the Internet – prior to 1997
Provide feedback on National Health Interview Survey data product to the NHIS Listserve