Bellwork Day 1 What is emotional development? What is social development? How are they similar, and how are they different?
Emotional & Social Development During the First Year Chapter 9
Comparing Development Emotional Development- The process of learning to recognize and express one’s feelings and identity. Social Development- The process of learning to interact with others and to express oneself to others. Both begin at birth and continue throughout life.
Attachment As we’ve learned from the previous chapter, babies need physical contact. Physical contact will help create a bond, or an attachment. Monkey studies Failure to Thrive- baby does not grow or develop properly. Building Trust- Children’s attitudes towards their world depend on how their needs are met.
Baby’s Temperament The style of reacting to the world and relating to others. Research shows 9 ways to judge temperament: Intensity, Persistence, Sensitivity, Perceptiveness, Adaptability, Regularity, Energy, First Reaction, Mood. Children often develop emotional reactions by imitating or copying others.
How Behavior is Learned In Infancy Babies learn about physical and social behavior through their daily routine. Running water = bath time, getting a bottle out = dinner time, etc. Consistency- praising or punishing behaviors the same every time.
Emotions P LEASANT E MOTIONS U NPLEASANT E MOTIONS 1-3 Months- Babies show delight by smiling when talked to. 6-8 Months- Babies show elation with their bodies, flapping their arms, bouncing up and down, etc. 9-12 Months- Babies show affection first for their caregivers and then for other people and children. 1-3 Months- Babies express distress through crying. 4-6 Months- Babies show disgust very clearly by making faces at their dislikes. 7-9 Months- Babies begin to show anger at objects and people. 8-12 Months- Babies show fear of strangers and animals.
Emotions Children are hardwired with 6 emotions at birth. Sadness Joy Disgust Anger Surprise Fear These emotions are learned: forgiveness, optimism, compassion, sympathy, patience, shame, gratitude, cooperation.
Exit Ticket Questions RESTATE 1.How can caregivers or parents help children develop emotionally? Give three ways 2.What do you think is the most important thing you can teach children to help them become happy successful adults? 3.Why is consistency important in parenting? Be sure to explain both punishing and praising.
Bellwork Day 2 1.What did the Monkey Studies show? 2.Who do children learn their emotional behavior from? Why?
Crying & Comforting Cuddle up and rock in a rocking chair. Move the baby in a new position. Talk softly or sing to the baby. Offer a toy. Stroke the babies back to comfort. Offer a pacifier. Colic- Extreme fussiness every day. If colic continues parents should seek advice from a pediatrician.
Signs of Social Development 1 Month- A face brightens when seeing a familiar face. 2 Months- Babies smile, and can follow objects or people with their eyes. 3 Months- Babies will turn their head to a voice. 4 Months- Babies can laugh out loud. 5 Months- Cry when left alone, begin to babble, show interest in other family members. 6 Months- Babies love company and playing games. 7 Months- Babies prefer parents to strangers. 8 Months- Babies can crawl looking for company. 9-10 Months- They enjoy being chased, and follow their parents around every where. Months- Friendly and happy, begin to enjoy being the center of attention. Tolerant of strangers.
Stranger Anxiety Babies begin to develop a fear of unfamiliar people. Stranger anxiety shows that a child’s memory is improving.
Parenting Brochures Each student will create a brochure detailing the different ways to help babies develop physically, emotionally, and socially.