Graphic Art and Design 2010 OpenSimulator Project
Creating An Art Exhibit Area Theme/Floor plan Written description/instructions for Moncton partners OurDigitalCulture (viewing their work based on floor plan, commenting) Video conference to discuss potential changes
Design Aspect Chloe and Christine – floor plan, description, discussing description with Moncton class online and in a video conference viewing screen shot, commenting, etc.
Theme/Floor plan Realistic/unrealistic (Example: Forest, underwater, etc.) Designed floor plans Taking space and viewers into consideration - number of floors, lighting, where the artwork will be positioned, proportions
Plan example
Google SketchUp – 3D modeling program
Written description/instruction Write up describing the interior of art gallery (wall, floor, and ceiling textures and colours) Measurements indicated Windows, doors, lights, seating, etc.
Creation Katelynn and Sean – creating avatars to view the structures in OpenSim, how things in Sketchup got placed into OpenSim, communicating with other users in OpenSim, technical issues…
OpenSimulator – open source version of Second Life Viewing the art gallery using avatars in OpenSim program