Flight feathers Body feathers Down feathers
The feathers on the tail and wings of the birds are called flight feathers which help them to fly. These feathers help them to push against their air. The feathers covering most of the birds body are called the body feathers. The small and soft feathers are called down feathers that keep the bird warm by trapping air.
Pointed curved beak- (parrot) fruits and worms
Chisel shaped- pick worms from trees.
Flat and broad- to catch fish
Curved sharp hooked- to catch animals.
Webbed feet- duck- swim in water
Sharp claws bent- catch prey
Long legs and three toes spread- walk near rivers.
Insect Body Parts
Flat broad teeth - chew plants
LIVING THING Need food Grow Breathe air Have babies For example plants,birds NON LIVING THING Do not need food Do not grow Do not breathe No babies For example swings, chairs
LIVING THINGS PLANTS ANIMALS Need food make their own eat plants and food other animals Reproduce seeds have babies or lay eggs Breathe through holes on through their their leaves nose, skin or gills