Communication Skills Dr. Maisara Mohyeldin Gasim College of Engineering Communications Skills (GE 3011) COURSE OUTLINES
Communication Skills Dr. Maisara Mohyeldin Gasim “Emperor Frederick - the 13th century ruler of the Holy Roman Empire - wanted to know what language had been spoken at the birth of mankind in the Garden of Eden. Was it Hebrew, Greek or Latin? He ordered an experiment in which the original circumstances would be recreated as closely as possible. A group of infants were to be isolated from hearing human speech from the moment of birth until they spoke their language. The babies were to be raised by nurses who were strictly charged to maintain complete silence when with the babies. The result? Every one of the babies died. The lack of communication can be lethal.” Robert Bolton, People Skills
Communication Skills Dr. Maisara Mohyeldin Gasim COURSE INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Maisara Mohyeldin Gasim Mohamed Assistant professor Room No. :8/3, Third floor
Communication Skills Dr. Maisara Mohyeldin Gasim Course Outcomes: By the end of semester, students should be able to: CO1 Writing essays and reports and apply writing process. CO2 Organizing documents. CO3 Use techniques for persuasive arguments and supporting ideas. CO4 Collect relevant data and technical materials, information sources (e.g. library and internet). CO5 Prepare and effective deliver of presentation using good oral, visual, posture and movement skills
Communication Skills Dr. Maisara Mohyeldin Gasim Assessment Methods: AssessmentCO1CO2CO3CO4CO5Distribution Attendance5 % Oral presentation 20 % Test 1√√15 % Test 2√√15 % Project √√√√√ 20% Final Exam√√√√√25 % Total100%
Communication Skills Dr. Maisara Mohyeldin Gasim References: Text Book: Jay and Jay, "Effective Presentation", Transatlantic Publications, Last Edition. Reference: Jay, "How to write Proposals and Reports that get Results", Transatlantic Publications, Last
Communication Skills Dr. Maisara Mohyeldin Gasim List of Topics Introduction to Engineering Economic Analysis: Time Value Of Money: Cash Flow Diagrams, Simple Interest Calculations, Compound Interest Calculations, Multiple Compounding Periods in a year and Continuous Compound Interest Calculations. Equivalence and Indifference Comparison of Alternatives:, Choosing Planning Horizons Measure of Worth: Present Worth Analysis: Single Alternative, Multiple Alternatives, One shot investment Future Worth Analysis: Single Alternative, Multiple Alternatives, One shot investment Annual Worth Analysis: Single Alternative, Multiple Alternatives, Least Common Multiple of Lives Assumption Internal Rate of Return: Single Alternative, Multiple Alternatives, External Rate of Return: Single Alternative, Multiple Alternatives, Depreciation. Replacement Analysis Economic Analysis of Public Projects Cost Terminology
Communication Skills Dr. Maisara Mohyeldin Gasim My Commitment to You I will endeavor to – start and end class on-time every time – be prepared and give a “best effort” in teaching the course material – treat you as professionals and cover material that will be of maximum benefit to you – determine your grade based on your performance, i.e., you are not competing with one another – return all graded work promptly – respond to your feedback
Communication Skills Dr. Maisara Mohyeldin Gasim Your Commitment to Me You will endeavor to – attend every class and arrive on time, unless you are ill or have a personal “emergency” – read the handouts and text before coming to class; turn in all homework and take all tests – conduct yourself as a professional, maintain the highest integrity and code of conduct, and help other students learn the material – let me know if you have difficulty understanding the material and provide feedback at the end of each class on positive and negative aspects of the course