The Hero’s Journey No. This is not “how I ordered that really good sandwich from Jimmy Johns and it took over an hour for the dork to deliver it.”
The Epic Poem A long poem.. Told in elevated language About the exploits of a hero That celebrates the values of a particular culture.
The Epic Poem Begins with an “invocation to the muse” Involves supernatural forces Grand setting – impressive, covers a lot of territory Often culminates in a massive battle “between good and evil” And then there’s that hero…
If you’ve been to the movies… You know what a hero goes through. Think Luke, Frodo, Neo, Harry Potter… What do they all have in common? (Apart from the XY chromosome pattern, which I feel is patently unfair. Let’s face it – if we can carry the babies for nine months, go through labor, and raise them, we are certainly hero material. Am I right?)
Definition A hero is a figure who faces the challenges feared by and displays the virtues/traits valued by a culture thus ensuring that culture’s survival.
A Hero’s Qualities Supernatural ability/talisman Young, untried Charged with a quest Inner flaw Special weapon? “Unhealable wound” Has a guide/mentor…
Stages of the Quest – “Separation, initiation, return” (Joseph Campbell) Called to adventure -- refuses Leaves “comfort zone”, for supernatural world Supernatural help Completes first challenge (yaaay!) And falls flat on face (ka- thunk…) Things get bad (the “belly of the whale…” But bravely keeps going…(if it was easy, he wouldn’t be a hero…)
We aren’t done yet IS TEMPTED!!!!! But obviously “just says no.” Duh. (unless you’re Odysseus) Loses father/wise guide…(reunited?) SUCCESS! (but not without some sacrifice) And goes home… …but can we ever go home again?