Preparing for the End of Ring-Fencing Alan Neish Head of Planning & Economic Development East Ayrshire Council
Key Points Clarity of Vision Partnership Approach through Community Planning Golden Thread linking Council Priorities to Community Planning, to Single Outcome Agreement & National Outcomes Creating a process of assessment of projects that is understood and linked to priorities in Golden Thread Finding alternative sources of funding and responding to their criteria
Our Vision “East Ayrshire will be a place with a strong, vibrant community where everyone has a good quality of life and access to opportunities, choices and high quality services which are sustainable, accessible and meet people’s needs.” Clarity of Vision East Ayrshire Community Planning
Restoring and regenerating the communities of East Ayrshire is critical if we are to meet the vision of the Community Plan. To achieve this vision, regeneration of our towns and villages is identified as a key action within the Community Plan’s “Delivering Community Regeneration” Action Plan East Ayrshire – one Council – one Plan Partnership Approach through Community Planning
Community Planning Partners In East Ayrshire
Strategic context Scottish Government Strategic Objectives –‘Safer & Stronger Communities’ –‘Greener Communities’ National Priorities for Regeneration –‘Building Strong, Safe & Attractive Communities’ –‘People & Place’ regeneration statement Strategic Regeneration Objective –‘Attractive Communities’ –‘Active Communities’ Golden Thread of Priorities
National Outcome 1.0; We live in well designed, sustainable places Local Outcome;Aim 1 Community Plan, Delivering Community Regeneration “To Regenerate our Town Centres and Villages and with rundown areas” Action 1.1 Review Kilmarnock Town Centre Strategy Implement Conservation Regeneration Strategy An Example of Golden Thread
Process of Assessment Submit report on each project to Community Planning Manager Present project to a Panel comprising CP Manager, Lead Officer in Community Planning Partnership Theme, Other CCP Partner, Community Representative Scoring based on;Links to National Outcome Links to Community Plan Links to Outcomes If its important enough mainline the funding; eg Employability Initiative: Mainstreamed Management (Revenue Budget), Obtained European funding for team
Alternative Sources of Funding Stick to the Vision and Priorities Alternative funding will flow from Government priorities Examples;Town Centre Regeneration Fund Future Jobs Fund European Funding Heritage Lottery Fund Conservation Area Regeneration Scheme