Architecture The simple elegance of Ancient Greek architecture has been copied for centuries Most of the early government buildings and memorials in Washington, D.C. are neoclassical (new classic) designs White House, Capitol Building, Lincoln Memorial, etc.
Entertainment The Greeks introduced comedy & tragedy in the performing arts The masks that are a symbol for theater today are the masks worn by the chorus in Ancient Greek plays
Government Democracy began in Ancient Athens Greece was one of the first civilizations to develop the idea of rewarding merit and not limiting people based on their birth (social mobility)
Education Our views, style, and value of education is from Ancient Greece Socrates encouraged his students to think for themselves and died for that belief Seminar style class were used by Socrates and many other cultures Public speaking was taught and encouraged because it meant power
Health The Greeks had a long life span, most lived well beyond 60 Fitness and physical skill were also encouraged and respected Olympics began as a celebration to honor the gods, athletes competed for a crown of laurels & fame, not money
Heroes The Greek definition of a hero has become our definition Someone who is strong & does great things to help people After Socrates it changed into someone with the courage to stand up for their beliefs
Impact Ancient Greece forms the cornerstone of Western Civilization—it shapes the way we think and behave from the most basic, fitness and values, to how we choose our leaders, voting for excellent public speakers. Ancient Greece helps explain who we are today.