1 Fuels Workshop California Environmental Protection Agency Air Resources Board May 2, 2005.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Fuels Workshop California Environmental Protection Agency Air Resources Board May 2, 2005

2Agenda F F Introduction F F Topics ( presentation by ARB and Others ): ‡ ‡ Additives   Silver-Corrosion Inhibitors ‡ ‡ Gasoline   CaRFG3 Predictive Model Update   Permeation Emissions Estimate   Test Methods   CARBOB Model Validation ‡ ‡ Diesel   Lubricity   Biodiesel F F Other Topics? F F Open Discussions F F Closing Remarks

3 Topics: Additives

4 Overview F The problem –Fuel Sending Unit Failures F Actions Taken F Silver Corrosion Inhibitors Additives

5 Fuel Sending Unit Failures F Failures –Widespread Failures in the Northeast and Gulf Coast in 2004 F Failures Caused by Corrosion F Corrosion Caused by Elemental Sulfur in Gasoline –Traces of reactive sulfurs (i.e hydrogen sulfide, mercaptans) act synergistically Additives

6 Actions Taken F ASTM adopted Silver Corrosion Standard and Silver Strip Test F Refineries are examining their operations F Test batches of gasoline –Additize as necessary –Correct refinery operations F Improve new fuel sensors Additives

7 Silver Corrosion Inhibitors F Chemistry/Properties F Treat Rates F Causes Engine Deposits Additives

8 Engine Deposits F At the maximum recommended dosage rate, engine deposits can increase F Adequate levels of detergent additive can mitigate deposit forming tendency of corrosion inhibitors Additives

9 Findings F Anticipate no problem with the current recommended use of silver corrosion inhibitors F Refinery use is intermittent F Need to monitor Additives

10 Proposed ARB Staff Advisory F Monitoring Program  Inclusion of Additive in Certification Test Fuel Additives

11 Certification Test Fuels F Silver corrosion inhibitor will be a required component of the certification test fuel F Silver corrosion inhibitor is added at the maximum recommended treat rate F Exception for oil companies not planning to use silver corrosion inhibitors For future gasoline certifications: Additives

12 Topics: Gasoline

13 CaRFG3 Predictive Model Update F New Data Set Sources: ‡ Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers ‡ CRC E67 Study conducted by CE-CERT, UC Riverside ‡ Other ?  Availability? Gasoline

14 Permeation F In 1999, ARB staff learned that ethanol in gasoline increases evaporative emissions through a process known as permeation F Permeation is when fuel migrates through the soft fuel system found on motor vehicles F At the 1999 Hearing, the Board directed staff to conduct permeation study and report back Gasoline

15 Permeation Test Program F In 2002, the CRC and ARB co-funded permeation study F Results: –Ethanol fuel higher than MTBE on all vehicles and higher than non-oxy on almost all vehicles –65% or 1.4 grams/day more than MTBE gasoline –45% or 1.1 grams/day more than non-oxygenated gasoline Gasoline

16 Permeation Emissions Increase F Study results do not directly provide the emissions impact of permeation F Vehicle activity and fuel temperature data must be integrated to provide an appropriate temporal and spatial distribution of emissions F Staff receiving public comments on permeation emissions draft report Gasoline

17 How to Deal with the Hydrocarbon Emissions Increase from Ethanol Use? F Hydrocarbon emissions increase well into the foreseeable future –New vehicle standards help –Slow turn over of fleet F Report back to the Board later this year –Better estimate of ethanol permeation impact on emissions –Measures to mitigate the impact Gasoline

18 What’s Next F The CRC is proceeding with a second stage of the test program F Two additional vehicles: LEV II and PZEV F Two additional fuels: 10% ethanol and a higher aromatics fuel F E-85 will also be tested on an flexible fueled vehicle Gasoline

19 Test Methods Gasoline

20 CARBOB Model Validation F CARBOB regulation approved by Board April 25, 2001 F CARBOB regulation allows refiners to certify blends without having to do hand blends of ethanol F The Board directed staff to validate the CARBOB model using Phase 3 RFG F Refiners have submitted their data F Expect work to be finished by the end of the summer Gasoline

21 Measured vs. Predicted T50 Gasoline

22 Topics: Diesel

23 Other Topics?

24 Open Discussions

25 Closing Remarks