Utah Flora BOT2100 Gymnosperms Cupressaceae Distinguishing Characters: A.Fleshy cones B. scale-like leaves
Utah Flora BOT2100 Gymnosperms Pinaceae Distinguishing Characters: A.needle-like leaves in groups of 1 to 5 B. woody cones with large bracts
Utah Flora BOT2100 Gymnosperms Ephedraceae Distinguishing Characters: A.shrubs, exclusively B.Opposite or whorled, scale-like leaves C.Leaves are deciduous D.Scale-like cone bracts, not woody
Utah Flora BOT2100 Monocots Liliaceae Distinguishing Characters: A.carpels, petals, sepals in 3’s, fruit a capsule B.Tepals not petals or sepals C.Often the tepals are petaloid (colored) D.Leaves basal, alternate (sometimes whorled) E.Parallel leaf veins F.One seed leaf (cotyledon)
Utah Flora BOT2100 Monocots PoaceaeGraminae Distinguishing Characters: A.Parallel leaf veins B.One seed leaf (cotyledon) C.Flowers in spikelets, arranged in spikes or panicles D.Sepaloid bracts called glumes (2) in a floret E.Ovary enclosed by bracts called lemma & palea F.Caryopsis – dry fruit of 2 locules that is fused entirely to the embryo
Utah Flora BOT2100 Dicots Ranunculaceae Distinguishing Characters: A.Irregular and regular flowers; petals free, sometimes absent (sometimes spurred) B.When absent, sepals petaloid (often spurred) C. petals 5, sepals 5, many stamens D.fruit achenes or follicles (a fruit made from 1 carpel and dehiscent along 1 line) E.Leaves alternate (rarely opposite); simple to pinnately or palmately compound; margins entire to lobed
Utah Flora BOT2100 Dicots Boraginaceae Distinguishing Characters: A.Regular flowers, petals fused B.Petals, 5 lobed, sepals 5, stamens 5 C.fruit of 4, 1 seeded nutlets (dry, hard, indehiscent) D.Leaves alternate, often basal, simple, margins entire to pinnately lobed
Utah Flora BOT2100 Dicots Hydrophyllaceae Distinguishing Characters: A.Regular flowers, petals fused B.Petals 5 lobed, 5 sepals, 5 stamens C.fruit a capsule D.leaves mostly alternate, some basal, simple to pinnately compound, margins entire to pinnately lobed
Utah Flora BOT2100 Dicots Lamiaceae Labiatae Distinguishing Characters: A.Irregular flowers, fused petals B.Petals 5 lobed (2-lipped or bilabiate), 5 sepals 2-4 stamens C.fruit of 4, 1 seeded nutlets D.Square stems (mostly); E.leaves opposite, somtimes whorled, simple to pinnately or palmately compound, margins entire, lobed or toothed
Utah Flora BOT2100 Dicots Scrophulariaceae Distinguishing Characters: A.Irregular flowers, petals fused B.Petals 5 lobed (2-lipped or bilabiate), 5 sepals 4-5 stames, when 5 stamens, one is infertile (staminode) C.fruit a capsule D.Leaves alternate or opposite, simple, margins entire to pinnately lobed
Utah Flora BOT2100 Dicots Brassicaceae Cruciferae Distinguishing Characters: A.Regular flowers, petals separate B.4 petals (cruciform, cross-shaped), 4 sepals 4-6 stamens C.Silique- pod that is many times longer than wide Silicle- pod that is nearly as long and wide (roundish) -pod made from 2 carpels, always superior, divided into two partitions by a replum (thin papery divider) D. Leaves alternate or basal, simple to pinnately compound, margins entire to lobed
Utah Flora BOT2100 Dicots Polemoniaceae Distinguishing Characters: A.Regular flowers, petals fused B.Petals 5 lobed, 5 sepals, 5 stamens C.Fruit a capsule D.Leaves alternate, simple to pinnately compound, sometimes palmately compound, margins entire to lobed
Utah Flora BOT2100 Dicots Fabaceae Leguminosae Distinguishing Characters: A.Irregular, petals separate an fused B.5 petals, 3 petals are free (Banner and 2 wings) 2 petals are fused (keel), 5 sepals 5 or 10, when 10, they can have fused or separate filaments C. Fruit a legume pod made of 2 carpels that dehisces along 2 lines (no replum) D. Leaves alternate, mostly pinnately or palmately compound, margins often entire
Utah Flora BOT2100 Dicots Onagraceae Distinguishing Characters: A.regular, petals separate B.4 petals, 4 sepals, 4 or 8 stamens C.fruit a capsule, ovary inferior D.Leaves alternate, opposite, whorled and basal, simple, margins entire to pinnately lobed
Utah Flora BOT2100 Dicots Apiaceae Umbelliferae Distinguishing Characters: A.regular, petals free flowers in compound umbels B. 5 petals, 5 sepals, 5 stamens (often exserted) C.fruit a schizocarp (dry indehiscent fruit, not hard, that splits into 2 or many, 1 seeded segments), inferior ovary D.Leaves alternate, often compound, margins entire to pinnately lobed
Utah Flora BOT2100 Dicots Malvaceae Distinguishing Characters: A.regular, petals free B.5 petals, 5 sepals, many stamens, filaments fused into a tube C.fruit a schizocarp made from many carpels, superior ovary D.Leaves alternate, simple to compound, always palmately lobed or divided
Utah Flora BOT2100 Dicots Polygonaceae Distinguishing Characters: A.regular, tepals free or fused flowers in umbels or racemes B. perianth of 5 or 6 tepals, flowers are arranged in 4 or 5 lobed involucres C.fruit an achene, superior ovary D.leaves alternate or basal, always simple, entire
Utah Flora BOT2100 Dicots Chenopodiaceae Distinguishing Characters: A.flowers regular, mostly imperfect, tepals free B.perianth of 5 tepals, 5 stamens C.fruit an achene or a utricle (dry, hard, 1 seeded fruit, nut-like) D.leaves alternate, simple, entire to pinnately lobed, sometimes reduced to succulent or bract-like scales
Utah Flora BOT2100 Dicots Rosaceae Distinguishing Characters: A.regular, petals free B.5 petals, 5 sepals, calyx fused into a hypanthium, stamens many, ovary mostly superior, rarely inferior (as in Malus, apples, or Amelanchier) C.Fruit achenes or drupes when ovary is superior; Pomes when ovary is inferior D. leaves alternate, simple to palmately or pinnately compound, margins entire to lobed
Utah Flora BOT2100 Dicots AsteraceaeCompositae Distinguishing Characters: A.Ray flowers are irregular, fused Disk flowers are regular, fused arranged in involucres with bracts called phyllaries B.Petals 5 lobed, calyx modified into pappus C.Fruit an achene, ovary inferior D.leaves alternate, opposite or basal, simple to pinnately compound, mostly entire, sometimes lobed